1-8z Chap. 22 An Expefàtion upon theBook, of JOB. Vert 19. preffe each puníihment by fuck a word as carryeth a dittinet 'fignificatìon ofchofe reafons. Firft, Some are punifhed, that themfelves may amend and better their manners; This they called raga1V£ooe. Secondly, Others are punifhed, ttàrepayre the honour or maintaine the dignity of chofe againft whom they have offended, left if fuch should efcape without con'. ,upxíEc, digne punifhment, authority Mould be contemned, grow 2.-,;;;;;;.°'"' ,oQlra cheape, or be lightly valued ; This they called 7i otter. A third' 3,7rxla!£rwafort were punifhcd for example, that others might be de- Arerb;ra, alc;f- terred from the doirg the fame things , 1et1 they alto incurre rend; ,nalefrcij, the fame fufferings; This was called era id'£rypes As much as to bene atq, ante ( the ho!dirg of a man forth in his Puff rings' to the open vivend dif:; view, plina ay that he may be fe,r e ofall men, and that ail may be war- h ins apud Gel tied o avoyd his error. Ar.d thus the Lord who is the righteous t 2. C. t. Judge of all the world punifheth wicked men. The fame word is vied by the.Evangelift Mathew (Chap. r, z9. ) 7oreph being troubled that M.:ry was withchilde(for he knew not the myfte- ry of her over-ihadowing by theHolyGhoft,waa minded to put ber awayficretly, andwould not make her a publickexample; He was unwilling to bring her to juftice, or that others fhould fee either her (fuppofed) fin or pue fhment. But asGod doth work many glorious falvations for his people, that the wicked may fee ir, and be afhamed ; fo he brings many vifible deftru&ions ulon the wicked, not onely that the righteous may fee it and rejoice, or be glad ( which att follows next to be opened) but that the wicked may feeit,and tremble to doe wickedly. Hence obferve. Firft, That the Lordfees up wickedmen many times ere exam- ple' ofhie wrathful'jaíice. Not onely doe they feele wrath upon themfelves, but o- thers fee it ; The Lord fometimes chaftens his own people in the view oftheworld, and fets themup as 'examples of his fa- therly difpleafure. Thus Nathan fpeaks in the name of the Lord to David (2 Sam. 12. E2.) Theudidff it fecretlj, (nut I wiA?. doe thin thing, (what thing ? I will afflict and chaften thee for this great offence) before all Ifrael, and`before the Sunne that is, in plaine and cleat light : Though (bolt haft "done ttis e, vili