Chap. 22. A *n Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf. 19. vili in the darknefsof many dole contrivances, yet I will draw the curtaine. and make the poeaall effects of thy finne as con- fpicuousas the a&ings of thy fin have been dole and covert. Againe (Numb. 25.4. ) when the people began to commit whoredomewith the daughters ofllfcab., and Ifrael had joyned himfelfeunto Baal peor , fo that the Anger of the Lord was kindled againft Ifrael ; Then the Lord fetid to Mpj's, take all the heads of the people, (that is, the capitali offenders, or chide ru- lers whogave way, or at belt gave no flop to lùch wicked - nefie)and bang them upbefore the Lord againf . the Sunne, ;bat thefeirce anger ofthe Lord may be turned awayfrom Ifrael. To hang themup before the Sunne, isa phrafe of fpcech importing the publickneffe of their punifhment( as it is laid of the leven Sons ofSanl, that they werehanged on the hill before the L.rd, 2 Sam. 21.9.) for caution unto all ; whatfocver is done in the fight ofall, or fo that all may fee, is faid (in the Language of the loves) robe done before the.Sunne. To which fence ai o we may interpret that vifion ofthe Prophet Zechariah, (chap.5, 6.. Q, to, i z. ) at the 6th vetfe we reade ofan Ephah, and this lift up ( ver. 9th ) between earth andheaven ; the Epbab was a mea- fure ofdry thing,.among the ewes : and in that vifion it fig- nified that the ::nne and punifhment of the eves were matu- red and proportioned ; '.This Ephah being lifted upandcarrïed, I ( faith the Prophet) faid, whet her' doe theft bear the Ephah ? (vèr. i ó Ind he laid unto me, to build it an boufe in tke land ofShinar, and it /had, be eflablifhed andfee there uponher own bale;, Thebuilding it an houfe in the landof Sbisnir (that is, in Ba- bylon) fignified the laftingrneffe or continuance of their finne in . the.fad conlequents of it, their ptinifhrnent and bánithaieht in ftrange lands, not for the fp,!ceoffeventy }cares onely, as by the Itabyl,nians, but (as fome of the Learned expound the vi- fion) f r many fevertyes by the Ronase, : and as this - Epbabl had a hou e bù1t for it, noting the fetleefrief e and duration of r thèJudgement which fhouldcome upon them for their dinne; fo alfä5t was fer'upon its, -omen.balei to fignifie Ole notorioul- n,effe or confpicuoufneffe ofthe Judgement, ï. being as a horde fet upon pillars for all to behold and take notice of as we fee fulfilled to this,day,:liince the firft .overthrow, of their efface by Titus Vefratiantu,&their final difperfzonby e. liter Adriaanus,. There 183