104 Chap. 22. An expofatinsupon the Bookof J O B Verf a . Thereare, I grant other conceptions about that vifion, butas this fuits well with the poynt in hand, fo with the calamitous {fateof that people tò this day. And thus the Lord threatned theKing of True. (Ezek. 28. 17.) Whofe heart was liftedup betas/eof his beauty, and who bad corrupted hit wifdome by realm ofhis brigbtneee, Now what will the Lord doe? what courfe will he take with him ? The next words enforme us ; Iwillcaft tbee to the ground, andIwill lay thee beforeKings, that they may behold thee He dochnot fay, Iwill caft thee into the ground, but to theground,und lay thee before Kings ; that is, thou (halt bea fpeâacle for all the Kings of theEarth, that they may behold as what thy pride and felfe- ,confidence havebrought thee to, fo what their owne (if they' tread thy path) either will or juftly may bring them unto. Thusallo in the (7thverle of'udes Epifile, the Apoftle faith, that Sodome and CÇoirtorrah,avd the Cities about them in like man- ner, giving themfelves over tofornication, and going after (2-range fiefb, areJet forth for anexample, fufferisg the vengeance of Eter- nalfire. The Judgements of God arenot onely punifhments to themwho wentbefore, but premonitions to them who come after. -The righteous fee it, and areglad. Here isthe effe&which that fight wrought upon the righte- ous :The eye 'feat theheart, and the heart is affected futably to theobje&, eitherwith joy or with forrow.The deftru&ion of men is a forrowfull obje&, and therefore we might rather ex- peet that the righteous beholding it fhouldbe affe&ed with for- row ; but the Text affirms a dicedcontrary effe& of this fight The righteous fee it, and areglad. Hence obferve. Thejudgements ofGod upon the wicked are matter ofjoy to the righteouss. It is the duty of theSaints tomourne with them that mourne, and to rejoyce with them that rejoyce (Rom, 12. i .) But thenwe muff underftand thefe mourners and rejoycers to be, fuch is themfelves are. Saints muffs mourne with mournirg Saints , and rejoycewith rejoycing Saints. The godly are not bounnd