Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 2 2. 4n Expofition upon the Book of I OB. Vert: 19; 185 either to joy the joyes, or forrow the forrowes of the wicked. The lodgements of God upon the wicked have a twofold ef- feft eminently noted in Scripture. Firft, they caufe feare ;> and Secondly, they caufe Joy. When eieemplary juftice was to be done ( according to the law ofMofes ) upon prefumptuous tranfgrefiQurs, It is Paid ( `beat. 13. I t.) All Ifrael'hal! hear, andfeare, and(hall doe nomore anyfueb wiclkedneffe. David (Pfal. 64.) having complained toGod in prayer ofthe cruelty of his enemies, and begged prote&ion from their malicious pr t%fes, growes up to much affurance, that down they n,muft (v. 7, 8. ) But God¡ball¡hot at themwith an arrow, f uddenly ¡ball they be wounded ; and then (v. 9.) All men (hall feare, and /hall declare the worke of god, for they 'ball wifely confider ofhis doings. Thus fear is the . uc ofdivinejudgement; And yet joy is the iffue of them at the 10 h verle of the fame Pfalme ; The righteous Ad be glad in the Lord, and trufi in him, and all the upright in heart Jh-zllglory. Feare is a common eff t ; All men ¡hallfear GladnefTe, faith and g!orying,(which is faith rriuniphant)arepe- culiar to the upright, when the arrow of God wounds the wicked. We have this double cffe& againe expreft upon the fame occafion (Pfä1. 107.42.) Hepowreth corre.m»t upon Prin- ces, and caufeth them to wander ix the wilderneffe where there is ne war, but hefees the poor on bigh;tbe righteous(hallfee it and rejoice. What {hall they fee ? not only the Godly poor fee onhigh, but ungodly Princes fined withcontempt, that's part or the fpec- tacle which the righteous fhal behold, and beholding rejòyce yet this is not all, for it folio,rs; And all iniquity 'hall¡top her mouth; The abftra& is put for the concrete, iniquity for men of Hquity : And fo the meaning is menof iniquity, or wick- ed men (hall flop their mouths; their mouths {hail be *opt with fhame and feare, they (hail have nothing to fay when the Lord loth this ; They (hall not mutter a word againft the workes ofGo.t : but as Hannah (peaks in her Song (i Sam. 2. 9.) fh; :Ube filent in darknefe. A like report raifer.h the hearts of + ^s>ple ofGod into a holy merriment (Prat, 9y. 8.) Sion be4ret,andwas glad,thr daughters of fudahr jyced.W irac was the m.. ° e ? .a-hat good newel came to`indah > what toSion ? the Texr r n tesus ; Recaufteofthy judgements OLord : The anfwec is not, becaufe ofthy mercies, or brcaufeof thy goodnefltO Lord, 13 b but