Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 2a. An Expolitimn upon the Book of JOB. Verf. tç 787 makes himfelfe a (inner indeed, who rejoyceth becaufe ano- ther bath finned. He that rejoyceth becat fe another bath fin- ned, rejoyceth upon the matter becaufe God is difhon. used. Such joy is a kindeof thanksgiving for Satans vietory. But as to rejoyce becaufeanother falls into fin, is the worft fall into finne; fo to rejoyce meetly becaufe an enemy Nis into mifery, is worfe,then our own falling into mifery. He fhews that he bath not theheart of a man in him, who is glad at the mifery of any man. And he who rejoyceth thus when his enemy felled), doh himfelfe fall much worfe. The ruin and down fall of an enemy (fuppofehim the vileft enemy) confidered in it felfe, is meare and drink to none but revengeful) and envious fpirits.David was much troubled and chargeth it as an extreame peece offolly upon himfelfe, Becaufe bewar envioueat the foolifh when he fain the profßerity of the wicked (Pfal.73. 3.) Now it is an iffue flowing from the fame principle, purely to envy the profperity, and purely to rejoycein the adverfityofthe wicked. 2Ksro was juftly reckoned a monfler among men, who could fing when himfelfe had fer Rome a fire: And they have fome-what of a Neronian fpirit in them, who can ling when they fee their ene- mies confuming in the fire. God delights not in the mifery of man (as it is mifery upon marl) nor doe they, who are taught of God. Secondly, M to rejoyce or be glad at the deltru&ion of enemies, meerely becaufe they are deftroyed ; fo to rejoyce up on private ends or refpe&s, becaufe they being taken out of the way and removed out of the worldwe hope to have more fcope and roome in the world for our felves; or becaufe we hope to ftep into their places, to fit downe in their feates, to pofleffe our felves oftheir lard; and riches , to fill our felves with their fpoyles; upon this account to rejoyce when wick. ed men fall, when the Lord powres out contempt upon Prin- ces, (becaufe (I (ày) we hope to be gainers by it) is alltoge- e" ther uncomely for the righteous. Let the righteous take heed to themfe Ives , that they be not found thus reoyci g in the calamities ofthewicked. They who doe fo are either but pre- tenders to godlineffe, men who are onely Of the faftion of the righteous (for though they who are righteous indeed are farre from a faction, yet there are a fort o fy who profeffe righ- tco "a(;