188 Chap, zz. An .Explirion upen the Bookof JO B. Verf. I 9. teoufneffeas ifit were nothing but a fadion, now ( I fay ) they who thus rejoyce are but either ofthe fadion of the righteous ) while they arc really of the number of the wicked, or if they are really righteous who doe fo, and I confeffe that a righteous man may doe fo, Davidwhich was ailing the counter. part ) envied their profperity, and by the fame reafon any godly man may be adedout in joy at their adverfity, but now, ( I fay ) if theywho are really righteous doe fo) we muff conclude them under a fore temptation,and they will at laft conclude ofthemfelves as David did in the counter-cafe, (P/al. 73. zz. ) fo fooliA have we been and ignorant, even a a beafi before thee. You will fay then, how may or do the righteous rejoyce when the ungodlyfall, and not fall into fin themfelves ? I anfwer Firft The righteous rejoyce at the fall of the wicked, as blsffing Godwho hath kept their fide from thofe wayes in which the wicked have fallen ; As 'cis a great mercy to be kept out of chore ill wayes, to be kept from tiding with thofe corrupt intereffs, in the purfuit of which we fee many, broken ; fo'cis a duty to rejoyce that we have not walked in their way wIrofe end we fee to be nothing elfebut defIrudi- on. Secondly, The righteous have cure to rejoyce and bleffe God when they fee the wicked fall, becaufe themfelves are laved, and, keep their flanding i becaufe themfelves have efcaped the danger, and the Lord bath been a banner ofprotedion over them in the day when the wicked fell. Mofes after thedefiration of AnIaleck built an Altar, and c'allrel the name of it yeinva-Niffi ( Exod. 17, 15.):hat is to fay, The Lord is my banner. And in like ca.. fes the joy of the Saints is not-properly in the deftrud ion of the. wicked, but in their own deliverance, through the mighty pow- er and good hand of Godwith them. It is the pretence of God with them, the appearance of God for them, which is the glad-. neffeof their hearts. Thirdly, The rigpeous then rejoyce, becaufe the Church and people ofGod are in a favre way to peace ; when the Li- ons.are deffro,-ed, the fheepe a.,e in fafety; when the Wolves and the Bean are tot offelo, il-ck rats quietly fo in this cafe when men of devourino. c uell fpirits , wicked and ungodly ones, are removed, the flocke ofGod, the fheepe of his paflure , feede.