Chap. 22. An Expfaticn upon the Book of J Oß. Veil: 19. a<89 feed quietly, none making them afraid. The fall of the ene- mies of Sion, is the eftablifhment of Sion ; yea in a great mea- fure ofmankinde. As the Prophet moil elegantly fete it forth ( Ifa. 14. 6, 7, 8.)He who [mote thepeople in wrath with aconti- nuall ¡ roke, he that ruled the Nations in anger, is perfecutedand none hindereth ; The whole earth it at rrl, and is quiet:they 6re..Je_ fortb snto inging, yea the ferre-trees rejeyceat thee, and the Cedars ofLebanon, raying, fince thou art laid down nofeller is comeupa- gainfi us. How oftenhave wicked men in power felled not onely theFirre-trees andCedars of tLe world, hut the goodly trees of righteoufneffe in the Lords plantations ; have they not therefore reafon to fing when fuch fall, feeing the Fellers themfelves are then felled and fallen. Fourthly , Joy arifeth to the righteous, becaufe God is honoured in the fall of wicked men ; And chats their chiefeft joy. That God is honoured is more joy to the righteous, then that themfelves are faxed, how muchmore then, then that the wicked are dcftroyed.There is a threefold honour arifng to God when the wicked fall. Firft, God is honoured in his juftice; filch a day is the day ofthe declaration ofthe righteous judgement of god ; as the Apoftle fpeaks of the great day of Judgement (Rom. z. 5.) Thou after thy hardnrfeand impenitent heart, treafurefi up to thy felfe wrath againfti the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous judgement of god. Some doe even queftion the iu[tice of God when i-.icked men profiler, but he is vindicated in his ;unite when wicked men fall ; It cannot but pleafe righteous men, to fee the teousGod exalted, orGod exalted in hi, righteoufneffe- They know and beleeve that God is righteous when the, wicked profper ( ver. iz..t.) But when the wicked are punifhed, they proclaims his righteoufneffe. Then they fing thefang . ofMoles the fervant of god, and the rong of the Lamb; faying, Great andm r- vailcue are toy warkes LordGod efl!mighty, jolt and true are thy ry wayes thou King of Saints. Who f a!! notfear thee O Lord, and glorifie thy Name,&c. for thy judgements aremade manifef (Rev. 15.3 ,4.)The Lord is alwayes alike Jult, but it doch not always alike appeare how juft he is. And ae,that God is juft is the faith and stay of the Saints, fo the appearances ofhis juftice are their joy and triumph. Secondly, ,