Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

I90 Chap. zz. An Sxpofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 19. Secondly God is honoured much in the attribute of his truth ; in the truth ofhis word, in the truth of his threaten- ings, when the wicked are punifhed. God bath fpoken bloudy words concerning wicked men ; not onely in reference to their future eftate in the next life, but to their prefect eftate in this. Say to the wicked itfball be ill with kim, the reward of hie hank fball be given himBut what is this reward ? Thereare two forts of rewards; Firft, rewards of love and favour 'according to the good which we have done; Secondly, rewards of wrath and anger, poenal rewards, according to the evill which we have done. Nowwhen the Lord puts thefe pee all rewards in- to the hands of the wicked, or powres them upon their heads, he is honoured in his truth as well as his jufiice, for the mouth ofthe Lord bath fpoken it. As the promifes are yea and eflmen (z Cor. i. zo.) fo alfo are the threatnings , unto the glory of Godby wt. But as whenDavid law his life in danger every day, hebegan to queftion the truthof God, in the promife, that he Mould liveto reigne and fit upon the throne ofIfrael ; for faith he (Prat. í t6, t r. when things went thus with him) I Paid inmy haft allmen are lyart, even Samuel among the ref} , who affured me of the Kingdome by exprefTe mefTage fromGod, but furely he alfo is deceived, and bath fed me with vaine hopes. Now as thefe words of `David according to our eradiation ofthem, and the truth of the thing in frequent experiences, thew, that Godly men are apt to queftion the truth of the pro mite, when themfelves are by feemingly contradi&ing provi- dunces much afftieted ; fo they are apt to queftion the truth of the threatnings when they fee outward providences profpe" ring the wicked ; Therefore when the threatnings have their a&ullyea and Amen, that is, when they are executed upon the ungodly, this alfo is t otheglory of God by us, that is, God is glo- rified by all his people, who heare of it in the truthofwhat he bath fpoken. Againe, as God is magnified in the truth of his theeatningc, when any particular wicked man is punithed ; fo when common calamities come upon the wicked, the truth of God or God in bis truth is magnified twowayes. Firft , As fuck calamities are a fulifilling of many Prophecies; Second- ly,. As they are the anfwer or return of many prayers. The vengeance which falls upgn the Enemies of the Church of God