Chap. 22. An Expoftion upn the Bco&rf JOB. Verf 19. 191' God is drawne out by prayer, Luke 1 S. 7, 8. And there, is no- - thing wherein God is more honoured then when prayer is anfwered ; For as therein he fulfills our wants, 10 his owne word ; Who loath not to the ¡eede of acob , feekeye me in veine. Thirdly,- When thewicked fall the Lord is honoured in the attributeof his power ; How great is his power, who pulls down great power? It argues the Allmightineffe of God,when he puts the mighty from their fates : when the Oaks and the Cedars, when the high walls and mountaines are (haken and removed by his blowes and batteries. Whenpharoab and his Egyptian hoatt . were drowned in the red Sea ; ThenMores magnifiedGod in his power (Exod. 15. z.) The Lard is myfirength and frog (chat is, i will ringof the ftrength of the Lord, not of the ftrer0 of . man) he Is my God, and Iwill prepare him an habitatin ; my faz titers God and Iwill exalt him. In thefe three attributes, juftice, truth, and power, God is ho., noured, when the wicked are deftroyed, and therefore it cannot beuncomly for theSaints to rejoyce when they are deftroyed. TheLord by his prophet affures the Church his 7aceb, that all the enemies thereof (hall be fcattered (Ifa. 41. r 5.)behold, Iwill make theea newAar p threThing inftrament,h;rving teeth,thou /halt threfh the Nations & beat themfmall, & !halt make ehe bills as chafe, &c. Themountains & the hills to be threfhed, were the mightyones of the earth,fecting rhemfelves against the wayes & defignes ofheaven. The Inftrument or fl'le wherewi-b they- were to be chrefhed was the worme 7acob (ver. 14. ) God did not fo much make an Inftrument for the worme 7oco,, as he made the worme yaeeb his Inftrument. Behold, Iwi/i thee, (not for thee) a new tbrefbing Inftrument; Bot when the worm bath done this great worke, when he harh threi1s s the moon- tames, and made the hills as chaffe ; What molt he doe the: ? Geudebkut de The 16th verfe tells, Thou i$alt rejoyce in the Lard, and h.r t g%ore ew eziro, P. in the holy one of Ifrael. Glorying is more thee; re oec;rg ;en v:,eie/ Glorying is a kindeofrapture or extafie of the fonte. A. there .,,p;dirare, fed is an extafieofInfatuation; fo there is an extafie of G-b.r 'tos z_eto dei accenfi admiration. Fooles and mad men are befides t!,emfeivestor r "' hoc rrodo dclarabitftite want of reafon ; the wit. ft and beft of men, are betides them- curs effe res felves through the aboundance ofthe Grace' of God in thcrn, burnanrst, and Dad..