Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

'Chap. zz. iln Expofitian upon the Book, of J OB. Vert. 19 r93 or from trouble ; freedome from fin, and freedome from trouble are fo dependant upon oneanother, that one word may well ex- .pref% bath. Thus the word is ufed ( z Sam. 14.9. ) The woman ofMoabfaid to the King; My LardO Icing the iniquity beon me; Li, in and myfathers hcufe, d- the Icing 6- hie throne beguiltleffe or in- scripruraiumi. ,accent, that is, free from all evill and trouble:While the faith,The tur. PGn fcilivr iniquity be upon me.her meaning islet the punifhment ofthe iniqui- i ìè, P 9" ty be upon ma, let the King & lot's throne be gttiltleffe;tet no pt<nífh- cet, led etiem ment of iniquityfall either upon the King in perfon, or ,upon his iaffivr!, pro eo government. In the fame fence theword is read(Exod. 19. z1.) cur nemo noes. If be (that bath been 'Mitten) rife again andwake abroad upona Rafe, then he tbat fmote himfball be quit; the Hebrew is, then foall be be innocent, that is free from punifhment, he fhal l not have any cenfir;e, or judgement for it. We have the like life of theword :(Numb. s. i 9.) in the cafeof the woman fufpe?ed by her huf- band for difloyalty in breakingher marriage vow ; the being for her purgation to drink the bitter water, the Prieff was to befpeak Innocent eras her in thismanner : Ifno manbath lienwith thee, and ifthou haft ab aquas 4115 not gone afide to uncleaneffe with another in Read of thy bsuband, amariffimir. be thou free (or innocent) from this bitter water that caufeth the Hob. curfe, that is, let the water doe thee no barme ; as if he had laid ; thou !haltfeele no evill ofpain by it, if thouärt not guilty of the e- vill offin. Thus tome expound the word here. The innocentjball laugh there to/corn, that is, they who are free from thofe troubles withwhich the wicked are over-taken and undone, thofe particu , lar righteous men whotfcape the {forme untouched, laugh the wicked to fcorns . Many of theHebrew'veriters fixe upon a Ipeciail perfon and by the mon-cent, ariiderikand Noah, as if it werea re- 'port ofwhat was done upon the old world ; Then the righteous, that is (as theChaldee Paraphrafe expiaines it) the Ions ofrigh- tcons Noahfaro (the flood) and were glad, and innocent Noah Videbant fclij laugh t the prophane old world to fcorne. When 21 ah, and his N,,,jrsii, et ta- formes were building the Ark, theold world in Read ofbeleeving tab;intur, & and fearing the report or prophecy ofa deluge, taught them to Not Sweatt, ."` fcorne, and inderifio i, doabtleffe, ask't them what voyage they fubiannabit rot intended,and whether they meant to faite their Ship over the dry Targ` Land ; as for them they never dreamt ola Sea hanging in the cloud=, and ready to drop downeupitb-eir-heacis. Now As the ungodly world derides Noah and his Sons for their ci eduii y be- C c fore