Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

194 Chap. 22. AN Expiition up n the Bookof j 0B. Verf. 9, fore the flood came, raids probable enough that when the flood came upon that worldof the ungodly, Noah and his Sons laught at and derided their incredulityq-bej who laughat divine threat- nings, deferve to be laughedat under divine [offerings. Others apply this particularly to the Tragedy ofPharoeh and his Egyptians overwhelmed& drowned in the red Sea,ofwhich it is laid, (Exod. 14. 3o, 31.) Thus the L-,rd laved ¡Net that daj out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Ifrael fad, the Egyptians dead upon the fhoare, and I[rat'far:, that great work!, which the Lord did upon the Egyptians:Me effect of this fight is twowayes defcribed in that holy fliftory :Fiat, by the maingoffeare and faith : And the people feared the Lord, and beleeved the Lord and hiefervant Mofes : Secondly, by the afting of their ioy in the Lord, and their holy infultation over the drowned Egyptians ( C. x5. v. t.) 'Then fangMofes and the children of Ifrael Song unto tbe Lord, and JPdesfajing, I willfing unto the Lordfor be bath triumphedglorioully, the horfe and bee rider bathbe thrown into the Sea. Thus elf() that innocent people law the ruineof their wicked enemies,and laughed them to learn. Yet I conceive Ehploae, fpeaking here rather upon a generally experienced andpofitive truth,then ftri&lyand particularly aim- ing at thofe ancient Examples. The Innocent, that is any innocent perfon,whether innocent in reference to the doingofevill,or ha, ving efcaped the fufferance oíevill1laugki them to fear». Bfore, he faidr1oe righteous fee it, and are glad, now he faith, the innocent laughdoom tofeorne : it is one thing for a man to be glad in himfelfe, arid another tfiiiig to laughother men to fcorn for though to be innocent carries in it fc-mewhat leffe, er at the moft but fo mud-vas tobe rigl;reoas, yet to laugh the unrighte- ous and wicked to fcorne whin al.)/ fall, carries in it much more rdolo,ta then to be glad when.they fall. And befides,the word in the He.. otem qsá , brew fignifies, the moll fcornfull laughter, fuck a laughter as is ore eierie - fida eepreffed, by a diflortionofthe mouth, and lipa, or by akind of five Dio,dbalk. famed lipwg with the tongue, and artificiallfaultrinfl in fRectl; antes ire,deri For as they that I ifp and Eater in fpeech areufually derided and fo they that deride and laugh at others will purpolely am, per em. .au ter in fpeech. Stammerers are contemptible, and ma- enien, et mc,ny financier at others irvontempt ; This imitation of a del& in .t.gnam imitati- nature Ames the exceffe (ge malice. Such is the forceofchilire s eex-,, Nyri preiráon,Tbe in»yeent laugh them to (Corm.,