196 ...nap. 22. lïxpcjtion upon theBook,f JOB. Verf. 19., corruptions. And thus it is faid ofGad himfelfe (Pf. 2.4.) He that ft-:teth in heavenfhall laugh, the Lord )ball have them in deri- fon. And (Prow. i. 26.) Iwill mock atyour calamity, and laugh when your fear cometh : when your fear cometb defalation, .andyew dfftruEfion c®mmethas a whirltsind,&c,that is,I will car- ry,my felfe iotourardsy.ou, I will pity you (who have been feor- ners ofmy word, and have fit at nought my counfel)no more then men pity thoe,whom they laugh to fcorn;fuch is the laughter of the Saints at the calamity ofthe wicked. And thus Eliahderided .: Baal, Priefts,while they wearied theanfelves in their foolifh fuper- ftition (t Kifgs 18. 2.7.) And it Came to paffeat noon that Bilais mockl them, andfetid cry al,sed;for he is a Gad, either he is talking, &c. Thus Hierafalemisexprefied(I fa. 37.zz.) when Senacha- rib Pent up that proud threatning mrtl-age, the Lord feat a com- fortable tnefage to his people by Ifaith the Prophet ; Thinfaith the Lord Gee/ of Ifrael,srbaream thou haft-prayed to me agairfi Sena- cherib the King ofAifyria,this le the word which the Lord bath fpe- ken concerning him ; the virgin the daughter of Zion bath defpifed thee, and laughedthee tofcorne, the daughter ofyerufalem loath fha- keel her head at thee. Thedaughter ofZion, and the daughterof 7ersofalem arc but one and the fame; fhe was called a virgin,not (as force have conceived) becaufe The was never taken or forced by any enemy ; nor was (he fo called, becaufe fhe had prefetved her feif pure &chaft in the worfhipof the true God(For fhe had;; her failings and Idolatrous dalliances before that day)but fhewas.. fo called becaufe of that (peciall carewhich God had of her to proreei and five heragainft the infultations of the enemy then ready to affault her even asavirgin is proteaed from violence in her fathers houfe. And the Prophet to affure them that it fhould be fo, fpeakts of the ruine ofSenacharibs Army, and 5erufalems laughter., asaccomplifltt and come to paffealready; The virgin daughter &c. bath defpifedthee, and laughed thee to teem, andfha. kgn her head at thee. What God faith (hall bedone, is as good as clone already.The Áfyrians,were.yet in their Jollity,laughingat . yerufalem, and prornifing themfelves the fpoyle of thepeople of God, yet (faith theLord) yeru /aleas loath laughed thee tofcorne ; that is, affuredly fhe¡hall, Andas the people ofGod doe fome- times formallyand explicitly laugh at thedownfall &witherings ,. ofthe, .wieked,fo they aiwayes virtually& fecretly laugh them to fcorn,