Chap. 22 . n Expolition upon the Bookei 0 B. Verf to. fcorn, even when they ¡land and flourifh in their greeneneffe and profperity;For while the Godly are not dauntedwith the power and fplendour, while they are not temfiedwith the threats and high looks of the wicked, but in the fingleneffe and fitnplitiry of their hearts, keep clots to God, his wayes and truths., even tins, though they nfe thedueft refptet to them in regard of their au- thorny, both in word and gefture is a laughing them to fcorne : For this is as a thorne in the fides ofevil! RICD, and as a pricke in their eyes; when they fee they will not [tool)to their greatneffein any finfull complyance with their commands. This is a truth, but the former is the truth intended in this Tou. Hence note : That wicked menare not only miferable bot ridiculous. They are the laughter ofthe innocent, upon more accounts then one. Firft, becaufe they do filchchildlifb and ridiculous things,fuch things as can neverreach the ends they detire and purpofe : they are idly laughed at, wholecounfells and courfes are unfiaitable,, much more, when contrary to their defignes. Secondly, Wicked men become ridiculous,while the Lord fat- firates their wifeft counfels,8t blafts thole hopes which were bot- tom'd upon themolt probable principles and foundations, while he takes them in their own craft, and entraps them in the. &Aire which they laid for others . Thirdly, While he over, rules all that they plot or ad to ferve his own ends, and fia fill bis own holy counfels. Hence the ene- mies of God are laid to pine away ; thee /hall be the plague where. with the Lord will [miteall the people, that have fought againfl ?e- rtsfalem, their fielhAd(confume away while theyfland upon their feet ( he cloth not fay, that they (hail be flain, but their fleas thall confume away while they fland upon their feete ) and their eyeslhall confume away in their boles and their tonme (ball confume away in their mouth ( Zech. 14 12. ) which as tome interpret of their bodily languithment, that they (hail live dying continually, or that theirlife flail be a continuall death, fo all interpret the caufeof thk con fumption to arife from vexation offpirit becaufe they fhall fee themfelves fcorn'dand laughed at, or that they are become ridiculous to all the world, but chiefly to 7erufalem, tha 197