Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

a98 Chap. 22. An Expofition upcn theBcek of. JOB. Vet 20. theChurch and peopleofGod,whom they [hall behold in good condition,notwithftanding all theoppofition which they have : ruade againft them.; which Elipbazalto clearely expreffeth in the next words. 'Verf. 20. Prhereas our fubfiaKce is not cutdown, but the rem- nant ofthem the fireconfumes. There are divers readings and rendrings ofthis verfe:firR,fome with an affirmative interrogation;is.not theirfub¡tance cut down ? that is, it is cut downe ; And then this verfe is a continuation of the former difcourfeconcerning theutter extirpationof the wic- ked ; The righteous are glad, they laugh them to[corn ; is not their [ubfianee cur down ? and clothnot the:fire con/ume the remnant of them P As ifEliphaz, had laid, Whatfoever they had of any Cub- fiance or moment is cut downe, and if poffibly there be any faun inconfiderable remainder ofthem, fire (that is, force devouring Judgement) will meere with it, and makean utterend ofir. innocent fabfa Secondly, Another underftands this aoth verfe as a reafon of ,nabs cos, Oa the former ; the right out areglad (when the wicked fall) the in- non fait jucctfa gam[ball laugh them tofcorne, becaufe our ubfiance was not tat fubltantirnofira q. d at downe ; as ifhe had laid, our fafety will be matter as of praife to quife a resfa- Godwho bathpreferved us, foofholy fcorne'and inlultation o-. as fatuas, loot ver ungodly men, who longed to fee our deftruetion and Paid in* au:ern penitisr their hearts, that furely our day wasnot only coming, but ha.".- igne itlo deivino Ttdeant juve ning; whereas indeed we fee the day come upon them which abfumptos. burneth as an oven, and thernfelves as Rubble. Wickedmen are .Bez. for themolt part doubly .difappointed ; firfc, by their own fall, whenthey looked toRand :fecondly,by the ftandingof the righ- tenus when they look, yea,and long for their fall This double difappointment loth at once double their forrow,and th.e joy of the Innocent, who laugh them to [corn, becaufe their own fob'. fiance id not cut dotrn,but the remnant ofthem the firecon/umeth. snnocenrfab fan. Thereis a third tranflationwhichmakes there words the form Habit eesdicens, inwhich the innocent exprefs their laughter at the wicked.When etft non eft f 4e- The innocent laugh them to [corn, they will thus befpeak them "ifs}ubffan:"a whereas or Althoughour fubfiance is not cot down et the remnant solira, :amen +' excellentiatn í! ofthem, or thebet the excellency ofthem the fire bath csn/umed. town confisrnp_ There is a fourth reading, which makes the fecond part ofthe t ignio. Pife, Chapter