Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An Exp fition upon the Book of J OB. Vert 20 199 Chapter beginwith this verfe. For hithertoElphaz hath been defcribing the finfulneffe ofwicked men, and the wrath ofGod upon them for their wickedneffe. But here he is fuppofed entring ruin nondum upon a very feriou: exhortation to repentance,after this manner, ah,(,rnúiiurtub or this cffe ; O 70b, now while our fiubfiance is net quite cut Ran,i fa noffra, d. rcdimum it- down, and thepe confumeth the rearidue o- the remnant of the"mie- larurr abti oit k~ed, acquaint Joyfelfe with god ; orapply thy feff to God,as,if he ignír, a uefce fhould fay, before thou art thanecat (imam, before thouart utterly qu&J (ái77: iüo, ruined as many wickedmen have been heretofore,and now art,bum_ ble thyfelte andPeke to God, that thyfinmay beforgiven, and thy_ wound healed.Some paralel this in fenfe with thatof the Preacher, Eccf. I2. I . Remember now thy:Creator in the dayesofthy youth, while theev days come not, nor the yeares draw nigh wherein thou(halt fay,l have nopleafure in them. Thus Eliphaz is concei- ved exhorting 7ob,while ourfubftance is not cut down,while we are not totally undone, while thefire ofGoda wrath is confiaming the-re- .queen rubfi p. onainder r fwicked men, doe thouacquaint thyfeffwithGod, and re. rva nofira non ft pent.And though our tranílation makes not this connedion, iftouiae it joynes fully in the fenfe of the Originall:, ignir offutn fe- whereasour fubffance is not cut down. _ rt, Tygur. La brut ut nï- So this verfe is anellegant conclufi on ofthewhole matter hi- t "t meliut. rherto inffted on by Eli haz- and he (huts it up in two. arts: d' P y P r P P Tt7: Firft,fhewing the fineofthe innocent, who are brought in fpea. orapeas, ex. king thus,oar fubf$ance is notcut down.ftriâly,That by which we tan save! potius Randor fubíiit, our fubitanceor fubfiftence,which fume expound ?` snxos 1)14 not by goods, but by life ; wemay take it both wages, our life, ramíbeJvetur and b which lifeis i ai tai d by we andour that y our t . m n n eor ¡ihfgtantra no families fubfift, is not cut down. ¡t; a:á. e. vita There is yet a difficulty in regard ofthegrammaticall fenfe ofvua fubi,ffimus, thefe words. For Eliphaz having.fpoken before in the third per. noo hum¡ :per fon plural; The rightiousare glad and the innocent laugh them to(fireme(fe... fcorn,fhould (asst maybe thought) rather have continued his pre¡.. 0, fpeech in the fame forme, and havC laid, whereas theirfubiance is cut down, but he puts it in thee ftrf perfon plurali, Whereas Ourfubflance is not cur down, &c. We may nnfwer twowayes;Firft,thatirisufuall in Scriptureto vary the number, while the fame perfon or perfons is or are fpo. kenof,take onlyone.Inttance,Hof.12. 4. He (that is. the Angel ofr,