Chap, 22. An Expofition upon the Rook of J o a. Verf, y; curieye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, betau/e theycaws noè to the' help ofthe Lord, to the help oftheLord againfi the mighty, It fhould feem then that theLord had need ofthe helpof thefe inhabitants of Meroz, and if they had come forth, it had been an advantage to him whyelfe were they curled for notcoming forth to the helpeof the Lord ? I anfwer, man is laid to helpe the Lord, when he helps in the Lords cafe. Perfonally the Lord needeth not my helpe, but the Lord maybe helped relatively,in hiscaufe,and in his people. Thus we help the Lord; whenwe help man, whenwe help the Church, and people ofGod ; It is our honour as well as our duty, to help his people, and give alliance in his Caufe, This theLord takes fowell at our hands, that he reckons it as help given to him- kif. Again, if confider thehelpe as given to the Lords people we are not to conceive that the Lord needed the helpe of thefe menofMeroz, as ifhe couldnot help them himfelfe without the alliance or a}d ofman. For when he feerh that there isno man, then bk own arme brings Salvation, Ifa. 59. i6. 'Tis the dutyof man tocome forthand draw his Sword in the Lords quarrell a- gainft the mighty, but the Lord needethnot the fword ofman to fubdue the mightieft. Secondly It may be ob'e&ed ; Cannot man beprof ,able unto god ? he speaks ofthe Church ofthe 'ewes, in íuch language as implyes them a profit to him. Exod. 19.5. Now ifyee will obey my voyce indeed, andkeepe my Covenant, then¡hallyou be apeculiar treafure ante one above all people. And is there no profit in a trea- fure? Again, Dent 32.9. TheLords portion is hispeople, acob is the let of his inheritance. Hach aman no profit by his portion? no advantage by his Inheritance ? Now ifthe Lords People ba his portion, his Inheritance.his Treafure,his peculiar fpeciali treafure, how then can it be laid, they are no profit, no advantage to hin? I anfwer the Lords people are his treafure, not b caufe they enrich him, but becaufe hebath a high etteeme of then. The Lords People are his treafure, not becaufe they profit him, but becaufe he protefts them : IfI fay to a man, you (hall be a riea- lure to me; I may doe it, not becaufe I espec`t any profit from him, but becaufe I have a high eíteeme of him, and re- folve