Chap. 22. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 2. proftanother man, or p'r, f t, kin felfe, that therefore he may prf fat god. That's the inmate of theargument. '7=1.1 imellexú p r, .145 be that is wife. det5jù;t, er Metcn)m,am The word in the root out fgnifies to underftand, to be Pt u- f<fix profper dent; and by a M.onymie to b: happy, or to profper, b,ctauic t "tr yuo ufually affirz s fUCC eed well ì;d profper in the hands ofwile men f 'Iic teC cedars and happ.nef c uivaily followes wifdome; therefore to be wife, prudemiam and to be profitable, are i:g.:ified by one and the fame word in he tao fire fe- ttle Hebrew. So in this Text, He that ie wi¡e is pr-ftabie to him° qut'ur. felfe, that is, hisaffa re, (hall p-olper. We find tins Tirio nrfixt to divers Pialms,Mafchil which io as much as ate - .aching Palm, :1i:;'hi+, inr.1- a I'falrne making wt/e, a rofalm f r Injt >u i:n. This Title is gi. Ggerr p>xtíenc, yep thole Plalms, which as they have Lorne extraordinary meter, cartrte;r ertt,tíen; foulúal ly. theyare Pfalmsofcotüplaint tinder .ff°f.on ad the reafon ofthat is becaufe there is much initrut/ion in correction, -t,. e, much light of holy knowledge is to be had in the Schoole of dooe, reg :tut. the Crof e therefore ufually rhofe Pla!ms that dr crtbe the aflikaions of the Church, are called Mafc,Sil, 7falrns cf ,g,,ta ikc,d,'' InfiruEbion. He that is wife, and infiruc4s : or he that is wife as having re- ceived inflruaion may beprofitable to himfelfe. All wifdome is not profitable to man, for there is a wifdome of which, the Scripture faith; that God will dr f tro y it ; a man cannot profit himfelfe by that ; and there is a wifdome which is earthly,fen¡call anddivilijh, ( Jam. 3.15. ) A man (be hene, ver fo wifeaccording to this wifedome) fhail not .profit himfelfe by it. There are a fort of wife men whom the Lord will take" in their craftinej¡e (I Cor. 3. 19.) andhow can luch profit them- felves'by their wifdome ? There are wife men whole thoughts theLord kneweth to be but vain, that is, unprofitable; therefore thefe cannot profit themfelves Then what is that wifdom which Eliphaz means whenhe faith, He that is wife may be pr.fitable to himfelfe ? I anfwer, The wife man here intended is not the man that is politickly wife, worldly wife, carnally or craftily wife, but the man fpiritually wife, his wifdome will bring him in pro- fit. He that is guided by holy and godly wifdome, (hall reap the benefit and eat the fruit of it. We have luth wifdome defcri..