Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap.2z. An Expofition upon the Book of Jos. Verf.3, at our own profit ( for that is mercenary fervice) yet we may look at our own happineffe and profit, yea and Layup for oar !elves agoodfoa.dation,as Paul advtfeth rich men (r Tins.6.19,) Wethen make he belt of our riches, when we lay up for our felves agood foundation. But can a man lay a foundation ofhis happineffe in his riches? what a rotten foundationwill that be ? what hay and flubble (in this fence) will gold and Over be? What's the meaning of it then when the Apoftie faith,Laingup for your felves agood f undation ? I anfater, we doe it by the right improvement ofriches ( for be faeaks there to rich men) not that we can lay any founda- tionto bu;id upon belìd, Jefus Christ, for other foundation can noman lay then that which is laid, even lefoss Ckriÿ; but when ourhearts are not glued to the creature , but we safe them in a holy manner, here's our laying up a good foundation. Agodly wile man may looke upen his right improvement of worldly riches, as an effect of the grace and love of Christ dwelling in his heart ; and thus he may be laid to lay up for himfelfea good. foundation. And further, a Weever may looke upon his worldly profitsas a fruit ofthe fame grace, the Lord having promifed that he will bleffe and provide for him, fo that every way a wile man may be profitable to himfelfe. Thus Eliphaz> bath at once afferted a pof$bility for a man to be profitable to himfelfe, and denyed any poflibility that aman can bepro- fitable unto God, which he further explains in the next words. Verf: 3. Is it artypleafure to the Almighty that thenart righte- ous ? Or itit anygaine to him that thou makeft thy, way perf ? In the former V erfe Elipbax, denyed in generall that God receiveth anybenefit fromman : In this third verfe he fpeakes the fame thing, but fomewhat more diftintily, denying firft that be receives any pleafure which might add to his bleffed- neffe, or fecondly any gaine which might add to his abun- dance. Ir it any pleafure to the Almighty that thouart righteous ? Is it anypine to him, that thou makot thy way perfetl ? As ifhe bad Paid, Is the blefedne/feof godencreafedby thy rigbttoufnefe ? Or