Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. Expo/irion upon the Bocrle of J.o E. Vert. 3, 21' parts of this Pfalm beginwith a new Letter , according to the ?lph. erariu order ofthe Hebrew Alphabet, intimating that it ought to be- nras, o('endent learned even of Children, as one of the Ancients infers from pa,vu!s ae it- it. The undefiled in the way are fuch ( properly) as have been;s frariwn e1e- holy or pure from their youth, fuch as did. never corrupt their menus é5 poe- wayes. Timothy is laid from a Child to learn the Scriptures..dsae far nìan_ Suppofe thyway thus perfe&, that none could tax-, thee with rarenr. Haar. any grotfe fin, even from thy Child-hood, could-this be any gain to the Almighty ? There is yet another Tranflation, which ímplyeth not only Ass an 1ocra the Rudy ofholineffe, but a boafting in holineffe, Is it any plea- quad inregras fare to the Almighty that thon dolt jualifie thyfelfe ? Or is it any a(feris vas in- gaine to him that then doff affirms thy wayes are perfell ? So it fals as. Jun. in with the third rendring of the former clank. For theundertlanding and further clearing of thefe words, I -Mall draw them forth into diftin& propofitions, which will be as fo many obfervations from the Text. It may feeme a very paradox to affert that it is no pleafure to the Almighty that aman. makes his way perfe&, therefore take the lenle firft in three affirmative Propofitions, and .then in three that are Negative. Firft,The Lord bath pleafure in us ae we are righteous in Chrift. Yea he loves to hear us boaft of this righteoufneffe, and glory init ; and the morewe doe fo, the more pleafure he taketh in its . ( Ifa. 45. 25,) SnarelyAall.onefay, in the Lord have I righte- oufneffe, even to him !hall men come, &c. In the Lsrd/ball all the feed of 7fraelbejuftifted and ¡hall glory. The feed of Ifrael are righteous in the Lord, and glory in that righteoufneffe ; yea the Lord is pleated to heare them glorying in that righteoufneffe, for that's the righteoufneffe ofhis Son, in trhom he is well plea- fed, (Mat. 3. 17.) And becaule the Church is cloathed with this righteoufneffe, therefore fhei is called The Lords delight, (Ifa. 62. 4.) Thou /halt no morebe calledforlaken, neithtr/hall thy land anymore be termed del-date, but thou (halt be called Heph- zibab, & thy land Beulah, for the Lord delighteth in thee. Thou (halt be called my delight, or mypleafure ie in-her. The wordof the Text, the Lords pleafure is in the Church, and therefore the Lords pleafure is in the Church, becaufe the Church is adorned and beautified with the righteoufneffe of Jefus Lhrift ; this is it