Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Clap. 22. A a exsrStion upon the Took of J. B. Verf. 4. 27 the Lord threatens a Controverfie, and that he will pleador ar- guehis caufewith them. Thirdly, It lignifies to argueor plead not with words onely, but with blower. to reprove with correftion. yob 5. 17. Happy is the man wham thou correïteft. Theword which here we render reprove, is there rendred to corral, which is reproving by blowes. Fourthly, Some trap l ,te it to evidence, to evince, and deter- mine : Thus it is laid ( Gen. zo. i 6.) that Abimilech reproved Sarah, that is,gave evidencethat the had a husband : And Abra- hams Servant Paid (Gen. 24. 44.) She that faith t me, both drink theu,and Iwill alto dran f,r thy Camels., let her be the woman whom the Lord bath appointed for my Milers Son. That is, let this token be an evidence to me, that it is the whom thou haft appoynted for his wife. Some here take it fo, Will Godevidence or determine c-merning thee, by thy fear, or the worship which thougiveft him, Thor eh -u are rightcou . We expreffe it fully e- nough,Will be reprove theefor fear ofthee ? Or will he enter with thee intojudgment? Both thefe eunreffions are of the fame fence ; andchete words f forfear ofthee] mayberead in the clofeof the Verfe, will be reprove th,e,or will be enter with thee into judgment for fear ofthee? Fears tray be taken here two wayes : Either firlt Actively, or fecondly Paffively. Take it Atìvely, and fo it notes the fear of °ob,Will he reprove Puta pie thee becaufe of tby fear? And then byhis fear we are to under- tuanr Hand his Religioufnetfe or holineffe ; fo Mr. Broughton, Wouldhe reprove theefir thy Religion? An de religione Take this Fear Paflively, and then it itnplyeth a Feare which 1344 argueree God himfelfe might be thought to haveof him ; as if Eliphaz to ? Jun. had Paid, God is not afraidof thee. The Prophet faith (Ifa. 51. iz.) Whoart thou that thou Jbouldf be afraidof a wan, &c. Much .Quír vetbot more may we fay, who or what is man that God thould be a- deftptens ¡extí- fraidof h m ? One of the Ancients following this Inter reta at, quod ore $ P nur ex timore tion, profeffeth that no fit or comely fenfe can be given of it arguat thefe words, but concludes that (tipha.t, fpake very foolishly ex mein *w- and grofly,or as a man forfaken and left ofGod:For(faithhe)can um¡ukm contra any one imaginefilch a thing as shit, that JobJbould leavea thought G15 g ponaa. E 2 that