28 Chap.22a An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.q,, that Clod rear afraidof hhn ? But we may very well accommodate the fen`s ineither of thefeconfiderations ofFear,whcther attive- ly, or pt ffively, and judicious Interpreters carry it both wages. Let us weigh it a little inboth. Putaf"e pod Fit íi Actively, as fear is taken for the fear which 7c6 feared,. ilte re afigal. that is, for his religion and worfhip,or the exercife of it,then the quia ref g?> eA fis d; Dei t, meaning is this, Dcfit thou thinke that god dothpanijh thee for thy mews,,c inregar goedreffe, or becaufe thou art righteous ? No, it is-bccaufe thou art at de re pfe yre- irreligious : Is net thine iniquitygreat, and thy fin infinite ? As dreas, :Y°; "'"'e he (peaksout in the next words, Doft thou thirke that God pu- verO ya =, o nit ees thee for thy holineffe ? No, he can find fins enow to doe ties gkod its Y , irretigiojus. it for. And Eliphaz might fpeake to inch a fenfe (I conceive ); becaufe 7,6 pleaded his integrity fo much , as if Le fhould fay. Xever think that God aflji¿ts theefor thy holiiref e, er righrecufnes, but rather acknowledge thy fins and thy wickednnfe to be the caufe of thy efflaitions, Are not thine iniquities manifefl ? There is a truth in this, god doth corral many who fear him, bat he dothnot eorrefl any one forfearingofhim ; many holy per- fins are e f itried, but no man was ever ofitiedfor hie bolines. God bath made many promifes to the godly man, that hewill reward him, and doe himgood. Say to the righteous it Jhall be well with him. godlines isprefitableforallthings - havingthepromifesof this life, andof that which is to come. Therefore no man needs feare that God will hurt him for his holineffe : though a holy man may receive many rods and fcourges from God, yet holineffe never receivedthe leaft fcourge fromGod. "quidexri, Againe, as fear is taken Aftively for Religion, or for holi- more :xo jkdi. mile, the fenfe may be given thus, in purfuance of the fourth r./birte,r fignification of the word Reprove, before explained, When Polo 7aandu to God comes to judge thee, or when he declares what thou art, ihdicabit , non he will not looks to thy feare only, to thy profeffion of Reli- refptcret as u i more n txusn g on, and holineffe, and over,looke or winke at thy fins; and 2 "tkm dy con- therefore he prefently fubjoynes, Is not thy wickedneffe great ? rivtbir ad n:ara Hereby arguing, that no mans piety is fo perfecg, that thereby q45 feçeris. Hoc he can be accounted juft or righteous in the fight of God, or r "e iubijcit, that a mans profeffion, Sea and p a&ice of Religion is of no nonne ruplu ' punifhment a value, either to efca th ofhis fin, or to deferve tuuták,amplam eft ? . o(fcndir a resvasd at the hands of God. Some expound that ( Val, aitrot.1t4147, 5o4 8.) in a paraitl fenfe to this, the Original word being the fame