Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. 4n Exprfttion apra the Brok of J o B. Verf. 4. zg fame. I will not reprove theefor thy Sacrifices (which is the famePetatem ho-ni. with Fear in the Text, according to this Interpretation, being 't tie P`r1``f a,n, ur ode ias put for all outward worfhip or religioufneffe) or for thy burnt- oferi'ngs continually before me; For thofe words, to have been, aeo pogìr. whicr our Tranfl [tors fupply, may be left out, and the fenfe Coc., remain perfcd : Or if thole words be continued, then the ne- gative particle not, is (as in many Scriptures it is ) to be re- affumed out of the lint part of theverle, and the whole read thus, Iwill not reprove theefor thy Sacrifices, or for thy burnt - offerings not to have beencontinually before me. That is, I will not charge thee with a rteglett ofoutward duty or worfl>ip, the in- ward and fpirituall ( ofwhich he fpeakes, ver. 14. ) being that Clirha prepo. which is molt piea:ìngunto me. Now as to the paralelingof this faa,,, et ®Jlen. place in the Palmes, with the fence of tub's Text now under d'e,e quod rel:. hand, we muff read them thus, 1will not judge thee for thy Sa- grohonuno nsn crifaces, that is, when I determine concerning thy righteouf- p'° ' ad nef e, I will not doe it by having an eye to or ref edin thy °,' pa Y g P g 5 vetpeccati pæ. Sacrifices, thy religious courfe and exercile of holineffe, though rant evadenaa thou halt been much yea even continually cow enfant in them C,c. I (balt only argueand declare thee righteous as thou trutteft in me and by faith takeft hold of my Covenant, Thus as the Lord is conceived laying in the Pfalrne, I will not judge or de- clare thee righteous for thy Sacrifices, fo here Eliphaz; willhe ( that is certainly he will not) judge or d. clare thee rigbtectqfor thy feare ? And fo the latter part of the verle may receive the fame Expo(tion, will he enter with thee into judgment, namely for thyfeare ? Will Goddeale with thee upon the account of thypiety ? And when he comes to juftifie thee, will he ím. pute that to thee ? Or when God enters into judgement with thee, will he Puffer thee to prefent thy feare, thy piety, of goodneffe to him, and fo thereby anfwer his plea, or take a- way the action which he brings againft thee ? When God en- ters with us into judgment, we may boldly plead our inte- reft or Faith in the Mediator, but we muff not plead our feare, the Grace or Holineffe either of our perfons, or of our fer vices, Thus we fee the Do&rine ofthe Text according to this Ex- pofition, and the attive fignification of the word Feare, car- ried' in it the very life and fpirit of the Gofpei. All the worth and `,