Chap. 2Z. .44 Ex,00!îtian uptn tbe Book of J s. Verf. 5. ; ; JOB, CHAP. 22. Verf. 5, 6,7,8, 9. i.e not thy wickedneffe great, and thine inquity infinite? For thou haft taken a pledge ofthy Brotherfor nought,& flripped the nakedoftheir cloathing. Thou haft notgiven water to the weary to drink,& thou haft with-holdenbreadfrom the hungry. But asfor the mightymanhe had the earth, and thehonourable man dwelt in it. Thouhailfent widdowes away empty,and the arms of thefatherldè have been broken. IN this Context Eliphaz intends to thew the true reafon !why God reproved rob, andentred into udgement with him , it was not ( as was laidat the 4th Verfe) either becaufe God wasafraidof him, or becaufe he feared God, but it was for his wickedneffe, as Elipbaz ( though mittaken) concluded againft him ; as ifhe hadPaid, goddeth not puni¡b thee becaufe he rs a- fruidofthee, but becAufe he lovetb jeoflice,mnd ;meth iniquity:It not thy wickedneffe great, and thine iniquity infinite?That's the (cope of thefe words, which we may fitly call lob's Irditlment, and this Indietment is laid down fi: ft in generali words, verf. s. I1 not thy wickedneffe great, and thine iniquity inflnite?And here 7eb isnot charged with wickedneffe and iniquity barely, but under a two-fold aggravation. I. great: 2. Infinite. Secondly, We havehis Indicsìmentdrawn out into particu. lar Charges,or a fpecification of fome notorious fins given againft him in the Verles following. This particular Charge confitts oftwo heads. Firlt, Sinnes againft man ; Secondly, Sinnes againi God ; His fuppofed finnes again$ man, contained in the words now read, are of two forts ; Firft, Sinnes of coenmiffion, or of the evill which hehaddone ; Secondly, tins of omiffion, or of the good that he had not done. The evill which he chargeth F him