Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An Expofttion upon the Book of Jr 0 s. Verf, 5. 41 fay that is infinite which exceedsordinary bounds. Thus fome mens fins only are infinite. For though every fin be a breaking ofthe bounds which God bath fet us, either in acceffe or in de- fec1 ; yet they who fin after a common rate or proportion of finning, may be laid to keepe their bounds in finning For what the Apoftle fpeakes of forme tryalls and Temptations (r Cr. io. 13. ) the fame may be laid of fome fïnnes and tranfgrrfiions, that they are common to man. But they who fin (as the Prophet fpeakes) with a high hand, or with both hands greedily, they whodraw iniquity with cords of vanity, and fin as it were with cart- roapes, thefe doenot,only break the everlafting bounds of the Law, but the ordinary bounds of fin. Their fins are not common, (in the act, though the principle be) to man They fin as few men ever finned, they fin like. Devils rather then lilee mien, and therefore ( under this notion) their fin is defervedly called infinite. Secondly, Wemay fay, that fin bath an infiniteneffe in it in reference to theobject, God, and fo not only a great fin, and many fins, hat fmall fnnes, or any one finne may be faid to have an infiniteneffe in it, becaufe it is committed againft a ir,finiìe God. And hence is is that nothing can expiate finne but what bath an infi niteneffe in it; the lei t fin, calls for the blood ofChrift to take it away, which blood bath a kinde of infinity in it ; for though the fuffrings and blood of Chrilt were not properly infinite, bec,yufe they were the full rings of the humane nature, yet the Divine nature flied forth an infinite worth and value upon his fuffering> ; and therefore we are faid to he redeemed (or purcha+ed) by the blood f5.1 (Al. 20. 28.) that is, by the blood ofthat perf._,n who is God, though the humane nature only was capabli of having blood fried. Thus we may fay, that the lee fin, with refpct to the objet is infinite, Gòd himfelfe being offended and wronged by every fn. Thirdly, As this infiniteneffe may be corfidered in refe- rend to the extent of any oi.e finne ( that reaching as high as God) fò to the number, or rather to the namberleffe of our fins, There is an Arithmericail as well as a Geometrical! infini. ty ir- en, Thus the Septuagint ( as vat. laid before) ten- der the Text; Are not thine iniguitieRin,iumerable ? That bath a G kinde