Chap, zz. An Expofition upon the Book of JQ s. Verf, 5, kinde of inánity which cannot be numbred ; but cannot our fns: be numbred ? are they infinite in number? I anfwer, fumes may be confidered two 'ayes ; first, in their fpecks and kinds ; secondly, in their aels, if we confider firmes in their (pecks and.kinds, fo they are not innumerable, for it is poffible to number up all the feverall heads, divifions,and. kind, offinne ; but if we confider fin in reference toads, fo e- very mans fins are innumerable ; yet this innumerableneffe of fins in reference to sets, may be confidered either absolutely, or as to us. Thealtsof fin, are not abfolucely or in themfelves innumerable, but as to us they are innumerable they are more then any man can number. 7bhn faith, ( Revel. 7, 9.) erffter t.bir I beheld, and loo a great multitude, which no man . could number ( be. ides chofe that were fealed ofevery Tribe,) of all Nations, and Kindreds, &c ) This great multitude Wa, not in it folicwithout number, but as to mans arithmeticke it was,, noman could number it. The hairs ofour head, and the lands of the Sea, are numerable to. God, but to us innumerable.. David ( Pfal. 40. 12. ) (peaks firft of innumerable evils, and thenofinnurner,rblefnnes; innumerable evils c?mpaffemeab_ut,, mine iniquities have taken b' Idupon me, fo that I am not able to lockup : shay are more then the hairs of my head, therefore my, heartfaileth n ; when he faith, they are more then the haires of myhead, his meaning is, they are innumerable ; I can no more tell the fumme of my firmes, then the fumme of my haires,. Chriil toafïure his Di(ciples in timeof their afflictions and suf- ferings, that he will take care of them, tells them; The very. hayres ofgcur headareall numbred,( Mat. t o. 3o. ) Ae if he had laid, feeingGod taketh careof thofe inconfiderable (not parts, but excl., monts of the bey, furely then he will take care of tholemore nob'e parts of your bodies, and moot of all ofthat molt noble part of you, (which is your all) your foules. The hayresofour heads are innumerable to us, but God numbers. them. The finsofour hearts and lives arc all numbred by God. Tbcu telefl my wandrings, ( faith holy David, Pfal. 56. 8.) he means it of his wandrings by perfecution, and 'tisas true of his wandrings by tranfgreflion. But what man knowes the er- rors or wandrings either of his heart or life (Pfal. Lg, i z. ) He that bath feweft fns, hath more then he can number ; and, there-