iI 011 If 46 Chap, zz. fln expofition upon the Book of Jo B. Verf, S, manofanother frame of life then thefe things import ; thefe black lines and colours would never make the picture of lobs heart or life ; this is as ill a draught of a man as could be made; yet ElipIo t puts all this upon fob, at leaft by fuppof. Lion ; is it not thus ? but what reafon had he for this fuppofici. on? none but this, the greatneffe of his aliffion ; the infinite troubles that were upon him ; God feu no bounds to ?ohs forrowes, therefore he thought 706 had finned beyond all bounds. Hence obferve ; we are ready tojudge their fins great, who are the greattft jufferers. Though we knownothing by them, though we can charge nothing upon them, yet this thought rifeth naturally in us,when we feeany under great and extraordinary fufferings, furely they are great, and extraordinary finners. The worft of finners ne- ver fuffered more in thisworld, then the beft of Saints; Waes thole Jewish worthyes, whole tormentsare deported by the au- thor to the Hebrezves, ( Chap. t r. 37. ) and as thefe were ad.. judged to foff,,r, becaufe theywere thought the worft of linnets, fo, doubtleffe, many who law them fuffer thought them fuch, though they knewnothing done by them to make them fuch. Read alfo this Spirit (Luk 13. 2. Al? 28. 4.) This bath been formerly obferved from other paffages in this book, and there. fore I only touch it, and paffeaway. Again, Eliphax feemes to take lob off from the wrongground ofhis fufferings, and tells him, though he looked to other rea- Ions, yet the true reafon was the greatneffe of his wickedneffe, and the numberlefneffe ofhis iniquities. Hence obferve ; That few thinkeof, or bitt upon any other caufe of (offering butflan. Sin is fo much and fo often the caufe of fuffering, that we doe it no wrong to fufpeet it as the caufe of all fufferings ; and it isindeed one kindeofcaufe (ciufa fine qua non) of all our fufferings, fo that we can hardly wrong fin by this fufpi- tion, but we may eafily wrongbothGod and man by it. When the blind mancamebeforeChríft, his Difciples asked him, fay- ing ; tArafer, who did fin, this man or his Parents, that he Will