Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

ii !iw 111 Ì;I Chap. 22. t1,t Expo¡rion upon the Book! of J o B. Verf. d, Thor haß taken apledgefrom tby brotherfor nought, ?úb was a Magiftrate, and this would have aggravated his fin exceedingly, if it had been true ;for any man to oppreffe another is very wickedneffe ; but for a Magiftrate who is let up to be a Poocedcr, a reliever of others, a helper ofthe friendleff., and a Judgeof the widdow, for him to carry himielfe thus, for him to oppreffeand grind the faces of the Poore , is molt .tyrannical). Tyrannsu eff, Thus Ar,flotledefines a Tyrant ; Heit one that rules fo as to turne S¿ui íta dorm- all to his own private benefit or profit g he that governs fo, governs. marar,ut adpro- for hirnfelf. Whereas truegovernment leekes and refpeäs the prìutn coP+ro- dam goodofothers. Jyaf} governours are a generali bleíling,and their tern omnia con al me is the common, not their private wealth. Thus Elïphaz fferat.Arifì' lib. renders loh a very Tyrant, whowhen he fhould be a rut fi ng fa- ' porn &' ther to his Country, proves a devourer of it, and when he thould ett'e, provide bread for thofe about him, he takes their bread,yea their blood from them, and gives them a (tone. ThouLaß taken apledgefrom thy brothtrfor nought. There are three aggravations of his fuppofed finne in theft words. Firft, That he tookea pledge. Secondly, That he tooke it ofa brother. Thirdly, That he tooke It for nought. Thou hafi takena pledge) TheHebrew is no more then this,, Za pebrao fm- Thouhaft pledged. The word liignifies alto to binde, or fallena Vex ell vetbiam thing as with a coard, and the reafon is, becaufe a pledge given . 'nn quad di isan obligation, a ty-or bond to performe the promi.e made. or pignorare ant pay the debtcontracted. A promife is an audible bond, but a pignut accipere pledge is a vilible bond. It is no fan in it felfe to take a led a no tÁom efi obliga- p g more then it is a fin, fell, or to ingage a man any other way, to performe a bargain, or repay a debt. TheLawof God publiflred by (Motes allowed the taking ofa pledge, whit is it then which .Eliphaz chargeth upon yob as fanfull in taking a pledge ?- Iconceive there are two things which thew finfulneffe in taking a pledge, and that both are implyed here. irft He intimates that lob didnot waite to receive a pledge at