Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

i. H! ¡ 5 2 Chap, 22. An Expofttion upon the Booke of J o B. Verf. 6 the lender, were fervant to the borrower. 74 is charged firft with fayling in this ; As ifhe had over eagerly preffed upon his. brother for a pledge ; Thou haft taken a pledgefrom thy brother.. Secondly, The taking a pledge from a brother, may be ex- pounded of withholding a pledge when it is called for, or of the not reftoring it, when the Covenants are performed. This is not onely to take ir, but to take it away ; fuppofe the pledge bath . been given into amans hand, yet ifhe will not reftore it, or give it backe out of hishand when called for, but make excufes, or de- layes, This is to take away thepledge. And thus fome make out the fin of theText; Thou haft taken a pledge; that is, thou haft- fwept it quite away, thou haft refuícd to re foe the pledge,when. that which u as borrowed upon it,hath been in due time tendered to be payed or reftored. TheProphet Ezekiel ( Chap. 18. 14,, 1.5, x6. ) numbers the contrary pradices among thofe Nega- tives, for which the Lorddeclares himfelfe much pleated with . the fon ofa wicked father; Afn that Teeth all hie fathers"fennes,. that he path done, anddoth netfuck like, that bath not eaten upon the mountainei, neither loath lift up hie eyes io the idols, ofthe houfe of Ifrael, that kath not defiledhis neighbours wife, neither bath. opprefed any ; that kath not withholden the pledge, neither bath. /polled by violence,&c. he¡hall not dyefor the iriguityofhis father,. be /hall Purely live. Here finning in the matter of a pledge, is . pitch t uponwith- holding it, not upon taking it. For though a man have a pledge fairely delivered up to him, though he doe not rufh into the borrowers houle, and there be his own carver, taking what himfelfe lifteth to fecure that which he hath lent, yet ifhe withhold the pledge when it is required, and defired to be returned uponpromifed fatisfadion made, this is very finfull and opprefßive. Some when they get a good thing in their hands,. theyare loath to part with it, and will have adevice to prove it forfeitedby the borrower, when indeed, 'cis only_coveteà by the 9etder., Hence note ; That violently to take or unjufily to detain the pledge committed to t toail thepart ofthe opprefor. °Lt t Law which faith ,Tboufhált notreale, doth as much for- bid.: