Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

To the k_;hri!}ian eadero which were endured before,by this (Great Ex- ample of fuEfering) Holy and patient Job. And though feven,being aperfe5l number,might hint me afaire pretence to fit downe anddoe no more, yet I am further from thinking what I havedone perfe&, then famfromdetsling (in reference to myovine intention) to perfe5i (ac_ cording to that meafure of light which (hall be given in ) what isyet to doe. 'Tis A Generall mercy, that in an Age wherein the fword bath been calledout to doe and bath done fo much, there bath beennot only leylure, but encourage_ wentfor The pen to doe this little. And'tis your ffeciall honour, whofrillpromote this, or any wort eof this kinde, tbat whileye have been en- gaged in fo (Treat a chargefor the maintaining of a Warre, and theprefervingofpeace, ye have not excufedyourfelves in this poynt ofcharge. And . (pobly) it willbe no difhonour to this Age in future Ages, nor to This Nation in For- raine Nations, to fee or heare, that our JJ irits have neither been hurriednor fkarredby warren andchanges into an indifJoftion or incompofea_ nesfor workes ofuchferioufnes andretirement What Danielpropbecyed ofthebuilding of the Wallof erufalem whether literal or myfticall) is true ofthis Paper-wall (which is nohanger to