Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chip. 26. An Expofition upon the Rookof J G B. Vert 13'. 8 Imo- And conclude, that yob haví, g in the former part ofthe verfe fet forth the power andwifdome ofGod ingarnifhing the hea- vens,his meditationdefcendeth in this latter parrofit,thoughnor fo low as hel,yet as low as the waters,efpecially the waters of the. Sea,and there fbeweth us the hand of God at work both in ma, king and deftroyíng, in forming and wounding the crooked .fen- pent For theHebrew word which we render,harbformed, fìgni, fies alfo to wound, and fo we tranfiate it ( Ifa: g I. 9 ) Awake, awake, O. arme of the Lord,&c. art net thou it which bath cut Ra- bab,. andwounded the Dragon ! yea it is fo traeflatcd by fome in this text of 7,,b, Hie band barb wounded the crookedferpent.W hich,, cornett) neere that of the Prophet according to the bare literal' reading (Ifa: 27. z.) In that day the Lord with hisfore andgreat andtrong [word ,/ball punifh Leviatban,tke peircingfor as we put in the Margin, the crcffing like a bar) ferpent, even Leviathan that crookedfsrpent,andbe [hallflu the Dragon that is in the Sea. Where we may note by theway chat our tranflaters renderchofe very original words a peircing ferpent in this text ofl /xiab,which they rendera crooked ferpent in ?ofb; and, I.conceive, it is better.. tranflated,peircing(for fo bolts or bads are rather)thencrooked;. another word being-alfo ufed in Ifaiah,which we eradiate crook- ed.For.ferpenes are both ftrairand long like a Bïrre,they are alto Mä1e hie cat i crooked &. can wind themfelves into a circle when theypicole, ïænalmgí be or fee it for their advantage. Now the long. as we fay ornate crock,dfrpent, which yob here faich.the hand of God hath for- edmarit orno- rned, is according to this interpretation,thewhale.(ifh,or Levia- tx tanquam ad than, which is the greatefl not onely ofall the fifties in the Sea, aliudesrremïi. but ofall living creatures;&.therefore may well be brought here nefd`endir. PF by 7-rob as an inftance to demonftrate the mighty power of God, rntc4;go 13,14 whether in formingor wounding of him; e`pecially confidering naminfrgne in that God.himfelfe. when hewould humble and abate ?ob in the imiropn: diví.- fight of his-own meaneffe, as-he had led him to the meditation nip °.tenti4 of ofmany of his great works in nature, throughout the 313, 39,unraneáquo and40. Chapters of this, he beftowes the whole 4r. Chapter arbitrij a aa. in a large particular & Rhetorical- defcription of the Leviathan; Jogularitdr, and though he had laidof theBehemothand Elephant (Ch. 40. ecrnprobatts :. 19,)He is the chiefofthe ways .o of God: yet he faith more of the Coc Leviathan or Whale (Ch. 41. 33, 34.) Vpon earth there is none lik¡bian, who u,»ade withoutfearer be. beboldetb.. ail high ;hinge, bet