814 Chap. 26. An Expofition span the 73ookof J O 13. Verf. 13 . he le a king over ail the children ofpride. As if he had laid, The Elephant is the chicle of all lent-Wye living creatures upon the earth,but the Whale is greater then theElephant,theref,,re heex- ceeds all crearures moving upon the earth.The Whale is fovafl& turbulent a living creature, that he is joyned with the Sea which is the veldt and moll turbulent creature without life. Thus 79b fpeakes (Chap. 7. 12.) As da Sea er a whale that thoufew" a watchdeny me? implying that the Whale is among feniitive creatures as the Sea is among infenfitive the greatell and moft unruly ofthem, and therefore hath as much need to be warthed by a divine providence as the Sea it felle bath. Thus the Pfalmift defcribing the great werkes of God, putteth the Leviathan or Whale among the chiefeal of them (Pfal. 104 24, 25, 26) 0 lord, bowmanifold are thy worker ! in wifdome haft thou made therm all: the earth iefullofthy riches;fe ìs the great and videSea, wherein are thingi creeping inneemerable,botb¡mal &great be.,fts. Theregot the Ships, there re that Leviathanwhom thou haft made to play tberein.Thuswe fee how the Scripture confents inexalting the power and wifdome of God in this part ofhis werke the formingof this long and rnighty,or(as we tranfl ate the Subftan, tive Epithete)crosked (erpent.And therefore lab might wel clafpe there two together(whilehe was fludying toexemplifie in parti- culars the greatnefs of theworks of God)his garnifhing or peo- pling the heavens with loch infinite variety ofStarres, elpecially with the Sunne,and his forming of and fo ftoring the Sea with loch infinite variety of 6fbes, efpecially with the Leviathan, For as the Sun is a Prince among the lights ofheaven, fo Leviathan is a Prince a King among the fifties of the Sea. His hand hath for- med the crooked(or rather the long)Serpent. And ifany fhould object againft this interpretation, that it feems unfut.ble to call the Whale or Leviathan a Serpent.I anfwer, that the text in Ifa_ iah(C'h:27. t.)before alledged may wel beare us out in it;which (though it be to be underflood of the Devil or ofhis inftrnments the enemyes of the Churches peace and fafety,yet)callerb Levia- than,thepeírcing (whichword in the Original,as I hinted before is here rendred crooked) lerpent; and in the immediately following words,That crooked/erpent, and the Dragon that is in the Sea. Wherefore reftirg ( chiefly if not only) in this interpretatl- on,