Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. An Ex,ofition upon the hook. ofJ G B. Veri. 14. 8 i 9 and will not at all acquit the wiek d: The Lard bath his way in the te"peßatee,narn. whirlwind, and in the f ortne, and the clouds are the dull of his que rn huyuj-°" fette; that is, God d;ciareth hisnfeife to be God by his judge° aetirimuraio ments and angry difpenlàtions, which like boifterous winds and n;bua ille va- ftorms,which,like clouds and darknefs the childrenof men; nere ad nos dl- doe there are parts ofhis wares. caw. ' Her ce note, Pis tt, Ali that we k"owofthe wa' lm of God ís but a part. As 'cis ofSelemon (r Kings 4.33.) that he fp.k°'f trees, from the Cedar tree, that it in Lebanon, even unte the btfrope that fpringeth out of the wall: He fpakff. alfa of beafis, andofpotel.and of creeping things,andof ri fbes ;fo 70b had been difcourfing from the heights of heaven to the bottome of the S:a, yea to the bocrome of hel; and vet he comes off, and faith, loe there are parts cf his , wares. He that fpeaketh and knoweth many thrtv, yea he that fpeaketh all that heknoweth, hath yet fpoken , >nely a part of that which is knowable. The Apottle faith (r Coy: 13 9s io. ) We k'ow in part, ana eve prophecy sr part.; Men know roo':e then they utter or prophecy, but no man canutter or prophecy more then he knoweth; We know but , part ofwhat is to be knowne; and we know what we know but in part, and therefore when we bave fpokrnour all, we have fpoken bnt a part. Though every Godly man knoweth all things needful' for him to doe and be- leeve, yet the holyeft manon earth cloth not know all that God bath done.God bath tome referved and leer et wayes into which he :loth not lead his people. As the bell of Saints fee but the Back-parrs of God in this life,fo they fee but a part of the wayes of God in this life, le, thele are parts <f his Moves. Again,Taking the o'iginal word as it fig,,ifies not only a part but the (mutfide orextreme of any thing. Note. That which we knowcf the wor leaof G d, is not owl), no mere them apart ofhis woks, but'tis indeed only the eutffde ofhis work;s, 'Tis but as the hem to a garment, or the borders to a Conti- nent. When we have travelled as farre a, we can,and as we think into the very heart of the worker of God, yet we have gone no Mmmmmz further