Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

t hap. 26. An Expoftion upon the Bookof J0 B. Ved r4 82 that is numbred in Scripture among the wonderful! and molt dreadful! worksof God. The Scripture calleth it alto the voice ofG -:sd (P%al. z9. 3.) The voice of the Lord ie upon the waters, the God ofGlory thundered. Thus a learned paraphriu} conneé}s ivona(iterde thee woods with the former ; As if 7.,6 had faid ; Now that I tonirruo loquun bave faid d!Ì that I can;how little a thing id it in cemparifon ofhim rur facræ Jcráp- and hie reato e s as tnæ a Bare b 'one it a,ce more the power t"'æ gua n we g f y PP y Ít p' j":;4,1""' èá trace, mag- andmajofy which he utters in kill thunder, which who canfaffici- uifica ary,terrá- ently admire? andtherefore none canfullp underfand. bill plenai; Secondly, The Thunder of his power, is any extraordinary rnánarun,. worke of God, efpecially hisdreadful! and terrible workes of Judgmentror by them he fpeaks out his infinite power and ma- jetty in the ears ofmen as it were by thunder.Of fuch a voice we read (Pfal. 68. 32, 3 3.) Sing unto Godye kingdomrs of-theearth, p ftng praifes unto tie Lord, Setah. Who this Lord is, and how Infignibus vero bemanifefts himfelfe is let forth in the next words, to him that ill o:8eflis 4ei- t ideeb upon the ke evens ofheavens,whi io were ofold,lo be dothfend bur non tam eut his voice, and that a mighty voice. Thus allo the Prophet I ,P,';,,n`oentinÚam, Iamb (Chap: 30.3o ) defcribes the Lord coming forth for the rurcatanima re4cue of his people, and the utter ruine of the r"fffyrian Army. percipie'cit quit And the Lord !hall' caufebieglorious voice to be heard, and tandem per fuo hew the lightning downe of hie arme,with the indignation of his an T't' Bcz, ger,and with the flame ofa devouring fire,withlcattering,and tesm- peft, and haileftones.Far though that defircdion of .he Alf nian: was effeaedby the miniftery of an Angel ( Ifa: 37. 36.) yet, doubtleffe it was not done infi knee, but either with anamazing tempeft;m;xt with thunder and lightring,or with luth confufion and terror as appeared likeone. In the Hookeofthe Revelation (which bath as one ofthe Ancients Ipeaketh,as many mifterles as words) the dreadful! judgements prophecyed to come upon the world in the leverall Ages of it, are expref ed by Thunder(Re- vel: 10.4. )Andwhen the feven thunders haduttered their voices;; I mall about to write : and I bearda voicefrom heaven,faying unto me, teal up thole things which thefeven thunders uttered,and write then, not. And as elfewhere, fo elpeci lly in this bookof 7o6, we find, chafe things which carry the greareft f}rength and terror in them, expreft by thunder (rob 39 r9) Haft ebtugiven the borfe ftrength?bait thou cloathed hie neck with thunder;that is,haft thou, made the boric who is fo ftrong and terrible ? And at the 25. verfe