i4 Chap. 26. In expofition upon "tJae ßaakofJ O B. Verf. ie}. Het no; Cogita. verle (treatingRill ofthe horte) he jai k am,,ng the trumpets, bá, to es 'evirèr co- ha; andhe finelleth the battaile afarre r ff, the thunder of the Cap- msrnorata9b- ffupefa :tilt quid tatnes, and the ¡bowing; that is, the hone is pleated to hare the Ermajoia quo Great Commanders 1peake with a le u voice,: either diref1ing, 4i/import/fare threatninf;, or encouraging their Sou-Idlers. Thus, the Thunder continemtur,& of Gods power, is form woreterfull at of his power, which lifts hied up its voice (as it were) like Thunder.. This wlv,r can unde,ffand? rend comp. e- none can.T to wcod figm:fies arc) to weigh and conlìd:t,(o tome dendere potelf ingentet d9rvni render it here who Can fu fficientl, c rfaer the `s kunder f bás vmuiei, qua p fiver ? who can coca der is a he oughc;either, ft tt.arc'?rding vel..r ¡Aeon ro- to the depth and mytterinufneffeofit, or,feeondiy,accol'ding ío ns:,u nere at ans ;,ra reeap the dignity and worthineffe ()fit. to tntidineet mkt. Thirdly, Theft words, tabe can under'? end the thunder or his titudine mere. power ? maybe expoundedof the hig!-eft an cleared preblica'ie n Q, )àùr con. of his power,The thunderingot.it out As if 74 had laid, I t,<,ve fdeter. Pile. whifpered a little to you, but ifgod (heuid thunder out hi,vafeife, or Tonritr: fortiru his woe es were n out at they de erve in thunder, the d:nit votar %er- if k fp k' y f ) ' moneen ciaru'n, mind - of men would be amazed, and their underftandsrt. con- firritèr Pala founded, The thunder ofhis power who can underBona ?'risufual tu' yHOdfit among the learned to expreffe high eloquence, and ftrongcon= ve!ut ton+ mrximu tr. tru fidente of fpecch; by thundering. It was f lid of Alcibisedes,that Cot, he thundredGreece ; He was a man fo mighty in Elocution, that Tonto po- he made his hearers tremble:And hence ¿'riff himfelffternamed tentix,i e. Ip- two of his own Difciples Games the fon of Z bedee, and 7. bn the (um intonantem rfle,uentem Brother of?amu)Boanerget, which is, the S..as ifThunder., co', am. Argu They did not fpeake (as we (ay) like a m-ufe in a cherfe, but mention eft par with a great voice, and with a greater fpirit; they (pake the mef- to para iene:n loges of heaven as if it thu: tiered from heaven. "There may be a "4. ,ir 'u°' great force in a low voice , while what is fpoken comes with e Tatare ,r,t drra" much clearnefíe ofreafon, and ftrength of Authority, or (as the cimasf ywi limit or eta Av!tile gives it) in the evidence and demonf ration of the Spirit ; quen'is vi met- but when all there areconveyed by a mighty voice, a voice like xhnè poilent. thunder, how forceable are they? Bafil wit Paid to Thunder in Novae. hid deá.ine, and l gheen in kis life. Such (to theheigl't) was that voice of word= ( in M :unt H'-reb at the giving of the Law ) Which voice they ;knt d?ea,d, entreated that the Word fh. uld rot be fpoken to them arty rn re(Hob;rz. ao.) that is, that it fhould not be fpoken to them any more in that manner,or by an immediate voice fromGod, ab appeares (Ex v, 18, io.) And all the