Chap. 26. AnExpo'tion upon theBok'of JOB. Verf. tq. the peoplelaw the Thundering, and the lightnings, and the ngfe of theTrumpet, &e. tlnd theyfail unto gofer, /peal. thraa with us andwews& hears; but let not-God jpeíkwitb eu, leg we dye. We cannot undo f and the thunder of hiepower. 'Hence note. (Nan le not able to receiveand bear thou, bight], difeoveries of god. God can fpeak in fuch a light as will blind the eyes of mars, and in Inch a language as will rather alonifh then infiruC him. As among beleevers, they whoare carnal and babes it Chrift are not able to Bate firong mess, the} rnu[ be fedwith milk (as the Apoftles fpeakes, i Cor. 3. a.) So we may fay ofall Beleevers, even of thole that are f4rocgefi. God Both onely whifper and fpeak gently to them, the thunder of his powerekey cannot under- }iand. For as there is a peace cf god whichpaf th all under/and--. ing(Phil. 4 7.) they that have ir not, underhandnothing ofit, and they that have it, underhand but little ofit; it paffeth al'un- derfianding, not a naturali underftanding only, but alto a fpiri- tuall. And as there is a love of Cbrifi ;Virgknowledge (Eph. 3. ig.) which yet we fhould labour to know ; a love which bath an incomprehenfrble height, and length,and bredth, and depth in ir, which yet all the Saints are labouring to comprehend, fo there is a manifeftation of the will and works ofGod, a Thunder ofhis power, which were it made and tpoken out co us, our underftandingcould not grafpe norcomprehend, howmuch foe- ver we fhoulddelre and labour to comprehend it. And therefore God is pleafed to put the treafure of his m ind and meffagrs in earthen vetjelr ; not only as the Apoftlegives the reafon (2Cor. 4.7.) That the excellency of the power may be ofg d andnot of zu ; but he doth it alto conditcending to our weaknefs, left if he fhould give out this treafure immediately from himlel±e; or fhould put it into Tome heavenly veffel, we fhould not be abïe to bear theexcellency, or (as 76k here fpeaks ) The Thunder G f brs power. Thus after a very long ventilation of the Q?efion between 70k and his friends, we are arrivedat the Conclufronof Their difpt:te. lobbath anfwered two of his friends thrice, the third ( ophar I mean) only twice. He it feemes, gave out and fate downy, N n n n whe 82g