Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

äz6 Chap, 26, An Expofition tepan theBook of JOB. `serf, 34, whether fatisfed or wearyed, whether having no more to fay, or being unwilling to lay any more, or thinking that enough had been fad already, I determine not. But though yoh friends have done arguing t gaint him, yet he bath not done arguing for him. felfe ; Which he doth in five entire Chapters, twice called the s.ntiYseation of bù ¶arable.. In what fence he calleth his eafuing fpeech a parable, together with the fubjed matter of it, may through the Gracious pretence, andfHppiy ifthe Spirit of }efur 4Chriff, who hRth helped hitherto, lend bath nat fafered that liwa Dale in the crate tofaale, ¡bins forth with aclearer light. A . B E