THE TABLE. ritablenefs condemned in thefmallefl Matters. 63. Churlifh pertns fiicke atfmall charitiesas we/ as great.64 How charity beleeveth all thiígs.84 Children why compared to a building. 235 Chrì(} atz everlafling foundation. 154 Chrif}, how he commeth as a theif.57 3 Ciflerns, what kind of ci !ern the crea- tore is. 217 Cloathingput for all good things of this 59 Clouds anddarkaefs,how God isfaid to dwel in them. 12 5. Clouds, what they are.764. Why appropriatedun- to God. 764. That waters are con- tainedinthe Clouds, agreat wonder in three things. 766. Three infe- rences fromzt. . 767 Comforts, final comforts are welcome to to in times ofgreat ofliEtion. 527 Complaining, to complame more then we have caufe is very tinfoil. 310 Condemnation, jedwillfor ever acgait.. the righteousfrom it. 356 Confidence of many proceeded) only from ignorance. 454 Confcience,..GadsDeputy in man.597 Confideration, the want of it caufeth ttstoto befo littleaffeeled with great things. 11 g, 1161 Cóntentation, it is our duty to ft down quiet and content under the faddefi di#enfations of God. 213 Contentionabout worldly things to be carefully avoided, 488 Continuance, things which continue but á little while are but of little worth. 65e,, 659 Convìé ion,.. maß finners havea ferret conviction upon them,thssFwhat they doss not good. 595 Covetoufnefs kíoweth no barnds. 53 Connie! of thewicked, what. 1753he excellency ofgoodcoufíel.7 23. Good andgracious counfel fhould begiven the weake. , 723 Creatures, we ought to confider the fe- verall excellenciesofthem. 116. The creature leads tss to God. 118. Creature, can neither hold nor give out thegood it hash, but by a word fromGod. 217. The goodrefs and glory ofthe creature is nothing .com- pared with God. 7io Creation, we oughtjoyntly to acknow- ledge the Father, Son, andSpirit, in the workofcreation. 8o6 Crueltyofman to man boundleffe. 528 Curiofity, very naturals to man to be enquiring Into times. 47'1 Curie, fin brings a curfe with it. 607 They who are generally under the curie ofmen,areoftenunderthe curíè ofGod too. 6o8. why fin Both not al wages bring a curie. 609. Haw thew:eked arealwayes curled, even in theirgreateft`profperity.6o9,6io D Damned under endleffefefcrings, ore reafonofit, 43' Darknefs, twofold,. external, internal, this internal darknes twafold.93,94 Day& night inwhat fence they endof -- ter theendof this prefent world. 778 Day, or to day, taken two wayes \in Scripture. 30o Dayes ofg.od or day