THE TABLE. ofGod, what in Scripture. 474 Death, when and to whomfudden. 91. The death ofawickedman is violent to him, though he dye in his bed.668 Death, the territory of it as largeas that o ffn, 619. death hash more bower overgreatinners, (hewed two wages. 62o. 622. Some remembred after death chiefly for the frange- nefs oftheir death. 625, 626 Declining in reference to the wagesof God twofold. 393, 394. Some de- dine in them, others decline from them. 395. Declining from the wayes ofGod twofold ; firi, to the right hand;fecondly, tothe left.3 95, 391S. Whether agodly manmay de- cline or no 396. Declinings in grace, feverall caufesof:t.398,399 AMP; is a declining from the ways of God. 4o® Decree, by manwhat; how he may be fail to decree a thing, and have it eflablifhed. 275. The fuccejfèof our decrees or counfels is, a great mercy. 278. Thefucceffe of our decrees is from God. 279. The de- creesofGodly ?nen are under apro- no;fe offucce f e. 279. Decree and appointmentofGod, whatfocver God cloth was before appointed and de- creed. Degrees of excellency and dignity in the creatr`sres, God hath not levelled them. 117 Delight con(fleth in two thins. 2 S Delight in God is our duty as wel as our reward and comfort. 254. They whomournfor fin, (hall finddelight in God. 256. Delight in the Lord is thechoicefl mercy, 257. Delight in the Lord exceeds all worldly de- lights infour things. 257, 2 58 Deliberate/inning thewayofthe wick- ed. S84 Defrtion, God is every whereprefent, yet often not prefent to theapprehenfi_ on ofhis people. 317. 319. Defiires ofSaints often quid( after God in a time ofdefertion. Deliire, hey who truly delire tofind God, are diligent in fearchinn after him. 323. Where God is chiefly to be found. 325, 326. Delire :s dili- gent in enquiryes, o Devil!, inwhatconfderation made by God. 812 Difficulties, an evill heart will breake through alldifficulties tofinda way to hisfin. 615 Diligence, good inagood way. Dithonöurfallen upon man byfin. 716 Dìfputers apt to make falfe inferences from the tenets oftheir oppofers. 122 Dividing the word of God aright,what. 732 Divifons amongmen fens as apunifh- ment from God. 796 Do&nine and divine teachings, why compared to and expreff'ed by raine and raining. 220 Falfe doCrineisworthleffe. , 673 Dominion of hod What, Three things in it. 676. Dominion ofGod con f:lercdfoure wayes. 677. The Do- minionofGod cared? as to a twofold fubjec7ion. 679 Drawing, twofold. 637 E Earth 319