THE TABLE. E Earth; men ofthe earth,xihy the w'c1Z ed are fo called. 73. 112 whatfence the earth isfounded upon the Sea. 756. What the foundation, of the earth is. 757. The earth is upheld by the infinite power ofGod. 757, 758. Inferencesfrom it. 758, 759 How the earth may be called thepil- lar of heaven. 782 Earth-quake, whence it is. 733 Eaft-ward, why it is called forward. 360, 361 /Egypt, why calledRahab. 793 Election, the decree of EleUUion is an unmoveable foundation,. 153 Empty,aperfon maybe fens away emp- ty ina threefoldfence. 80. How a place may be tobeempty. 754 Enemies, in what fence we may not or may re/Ice in theirfall. 187,188 Error, very bindingupon the confcience as wel as truth. 101. Hard to judge which i werfe,unfetlednefs in truth, ortenacioufnefs in error. 102. The wayoferrorold. :32 Ever, The faddeft or f veeteft word in thewhole Bible. 35"6 Exaltation ofwicked men(hall not con- tinue. 656 Extafie twofold. 191 Examplesvery drawing. 398 Examples of punifhment upon flowers ore lit to be marked. 140. Examples oftwo forts. 141. Godmal¿e.c wicked menexamples. 182. A Godlyman doch example himfelfe by God. 390 Eye of God upon aplace or perfon notes his careofthem. 649 Eyes, high or low., notepride or humili ty: 286. Eye much inadaltery. 58 Ezekiel, why fo often calledand fpoken toby God, under this name, Son of man. 71,4' F Face, liftingvp the face, what it im- ports in Scripture 259. Face calf. down three wayes. 260. Face of a thing what it notes in Scripture, 768 Faith , the re.fleEt aft of it moll' fweete 254. How faith is ourftrength to refill temptation. 349 Farherleße and widdow, who in Scrip- ture. Sr. How f nfull to wrong them. 85,86 Feare taken two wages, 27. Feare makes men cruel,anddouniufl things as welas hope. 3o, 31. Fear may be ajuftgroundofdoing fuftice. 31, 32. Fear oftwo forts. 9o. Sudden . fearefurprix:eth fecure fingers. 91. Fe.are threefold. 453. Fear arifeth two wayes, '454 God would be more feared, ifhe were more known. - 454, Feare is with God uponathreefold confideration. 680. God can f nke man with feare when he pleafeth. 682 Feared,God is much to be feared. 681. God is to be fearedas great andas good. 68i, 682 Fireput to7'Qnifieany 7udgement.2,01. There is adifferent fire for the 4gh- teoun and the wicked. 202. How God is a confirming fire in reference to the Godly. 2©2 Fiches of the Sea, three things mÓßß coufal,