THE T }3LE. M Magiifrates, that are bad mofr ready to favourfuck as are fo. 73. ttby evil! Magifarares arecompared to Oakes. 74. Lvill Magifirares favour the grew. 75. They fhould takefpeciall tareof the widdow and fatherleff1. 86. They are the-eyes of the people. 587. They are the ?liars of the earth.. 789 Maajefty ofGod, dreadfull to his owne people. Mate can no way be profitable unto God. Gbjec`lions anfwered. 7, 3. Man is a very pore thing. 7 Lz. Man com- pared to the mtanef ti things: 7.2 3.. To a n'arme. 714 Manner how duty is to be performed, as confiderabl e as the duty itfelfe. 725 That which is not done in a right manner, is not doneat all. 726 Mafchill, the title offeverall Pfalmes, what it importeth. t 5 Meanes,God can doe the greateei things without any vifiblemeans. 759 Meditation, what it is 220 Mercy ofGod, inwhat fence fan maybe faid to overcome it. 44 Merit ; The bell of men cannot oblige Godormerit any thingat his hand.4 Mind ofman hash a formative faculty in it. 131 244if-interpretation ; Two forts of wordsand aîtiònsmofi lyable to mil-- interpretation. 3o6 Moone,.tn what fence it fhineth not. 7p20.10 Mouth ofGod, how we may be fail taî receavethe Law from o it. 222, 2 23 To receave the Law from themouth ,ofGod, 'lands in a double, oppofation. 224. Murder comm/trek/on two grounds.. 5 63 . Thegreatnesofthefinofmur derfsewed two wayes byScripture. 5.6.7. Nineother confideratiousfhew- i g the greatnes ofthefinofmurder. 5-68, 569 Murmuring stga'nfl the rod or feverefl dealings ofGod is rebellion. 207 Mutability of man in his natural and civilfirength,. 779, 780 N Naked, who in a Scripturefence; Nature, uncleanenefs of nature runs through all men. 7o5. of' nature conffls chiefely in two thins:- 707. Neceffary food,,what . l.09, 410 Necefpity cannot excufefinfull a1hous. 57 Need makes a littlemercyfeemegreat. 6 Negative commandements and threat-- nines ofGod alwayes imply the affir- mative,and foufually doe the Nega- tive traEtices o fmen. 635 Nimrod, whencefo called. 550 Northerne part ofthe world, why cal- led the place where.. God worked,. 362. Cod. workes more in the Nor-, theme parts of . the world, then in the Southerne.363.TheGoffielkath beenmore clearly taught in theNor- therne then in the Sutherneparts of the vorld. 364. 58 i 5