i THE T ABLE. Unkindnes frommen occafons the godly to have more intimacy with God.3 22 Vow, what it is. 267, 268. Vows lawfully made ought to be keft. 269 Foure cautions about Vowes. 269, .270. '-hen Gad anfwers prayer, we .miff[ be carefulkto pay our Vowes. 271 W Wages, toderaine the labourers wage6 veryfirfull. 5.36. Wages ofthe la- bourer detaired three wages. 537 'Walking ofGod and ofSatan, howto be under-fflood. 126. -Our ,holy walking notesour acquaintance withGod. 21o `WallitÁ.falfe prophecy why called a wall built with unteniperedmorter. 'Wanton `loo=e or wantonres afccnids by 'five fleps. 582 Water, fire and water put for all man- nerof affliElions. 95. Grounds ofthe .Allufion why Water fini fieth of fliElion.9 5,96.Waters twofeld.76 3 -Wayof God, how taken in Scripture. Way of a jodly man right forward. 403 Way of god, what in Scripture. 817 Weighing ofactions and perfons, god Both it moll exatlly. '32 Wicked have impreffes of the prcfence ofGod upon their Spirits. S7. Pre- fence ofGodgrievosas to the wicked. 158 Wicked men thinke they can doe well - enough without CJod, theirgreat folly iteereed air it. 15pß 16o. Wicked have flight thoughts of God. 16 The wickedbe evendare God todoe' his w.rfl. 165. God gives wicked men no caufe to be weary of him, fhewed divers wayes. 167, 168. They doe not acknowledge God the fountainofall thegood they receive. 17 I . Portion of the wicked 'yes on this fide heaven. 474. A threefold honour arifing to God by the fall of the wicked. 189. Wicked menhow made ridicu'oySS. 197. Wicked men doubly di'fappoynted. 198. Wicked men malefnne their worke or their bufienes, fhewrd feure wayes. 516, 517,518.Wicked menare not pre- fendyflops in their evill wayes.544, 545 Wickedñes and iniquity, how dfr;n- guified. 36 Widdow, what the Hebrewword f,3a . widdow imported, concerning .hip. 78.Troo ce.urioas to the widdow and the fatberlefe. Si, g8. Wi'?d v why; eiref fed in the blelrsw by a word thatfignifieth both to bindeand to be dent. 636 warof man by naturegoeth out With- out end to fn. Will or mindof god to be fubmitted to, and(how'dpleafemin all th'ngs. 429 Will ofGod tie onelyboundof all his az ions. 438. How tinfafeit is that it fhouid befo withmen, though good men: 439 Dangerous to have mans will the rule ofwhat hedot,. 492. Wildome and happinesgoe together.' ç what that wifdome is which dot, mot profit man; what that is which oath. 1'5,16