Chap. zz. An Ezpofition upon the Booke of J o B. VerLg, u6 IÍ' RC friends, found ro friendfhip at thy hand s,unleffe the breaking of their own armes. Thou haft fene wideLrf away empty. r6'1:1 ti "'b"m There is fomewhat confider:,ble in the nature of the word, ni,nti endi v= tenria,m von- which we re-der rent; for it implyes a putting away with a kind dam afferr,ut ft of violence ; thou halt raft them out, or bid them be packing; tdern quodei; thou h.tft put them off with rige°ur and diftafte. As if he had paid, cere extsudere, expellers? Thou heft not one! y let thtm from t $ Ì o h house unreleeved, but than reviledthem and thruft them away becaufe they asked reliefe. So we may expound it by that (Gen. 3. 23, 24.) And the Lord Godfeat him (that is, Adam) fort h.from t %e garden ofed. n, to till thegroundfromwhence he was taken. What this fending forth was, is expreffed in the n at verfe` So he drove out the man.Such a fending away is here intended,thou haft Pent widows away (as we fpeak) with a witnefL ; thou haft chide or rated them out of thy prefence. As it is laidof Gallio (Ails 18. 16, 17.) That he caredfir none of tbofe things, and hedrave them from the fudge- me.rt feate. Thus thou haft tent widows away. complureures Further in the Chaldce Language; the word signifies to firipe, or to pluck offthe very skinne. This is yet more tyran. nicall, Thou haft Pent them away fpoyled and ftript, or as it followeth in theText, empty. Thou haft lent widower away, &c. It was not the mighty man,nor thegreat ones of theearth,that he is charged to deale thus unkindly or rather cruelly with, but the widow ; that hightens the finfutneffe of his tyranny. This r1.101.ß a very word by which a widow is `expref ed in the. Hebrew, as cerbo f]o7K well as her condition calls for helpe an good eRcolliga- d P }' It comes from re, ergo !igata a roote that fignifies ; either tobinde, or to befilent ; taking it, dicitur per con- in the firft fignification, to binde, the widdow may be fo called trawium intelle- for two reasons. Firft, becaufe the widow is ( as it were) Nitavira.jam bound about with affii&ions, and forrowes, the bath many cifcat eti ha- troubles about her, as fo many bonds, from which fht cannot bete linguarn free her felfe without running into many other troubles. Se- co!ligatarn, i.e. condly, Thewidow is fo called, by the rule ofcontrary fpeak- otimutejcere aut .4 ; bound,, that is, not at all bound, but freeor loosed from her ,Tutu" ede, quid trartao vivo ton husband. Thus the Apoftle (peaks (Rom.7.1,2,3; 1 Cor. 7. 39.) her marriage knot is untyed by death ; If her husband be dead, 1hß a;l