Chap .27. An Expofzton upon the Book of J o B. Verf .9. 9; Now the troubles that come upon the hypocrite, are of two forts; Fir%, they are troubles from without ; Secondly, troubles from within, troubles ofbody and troubles of mind ; his confci- ence, which knowes what he bath done,and bath accufedhim for what he bath done, is ready to vex and trouble him for what he bath done. Confcience having judged and condemned him, wounds and torments him, and he hath nothing either to keepe off the (croak of it, or to Neale it. Thus all fortsof trouble in- vade and affault him, while he bath no reali remedy or releife a- gainfl any of them. For God will not bears bis cry when trouble cometh upon him. Secondly, When fob querieth, Will Godhears his cry, &c. he fuppofeth and takes it for granted,that he will cry, when trou- ble comes uponhim. Hence obferve ; Even hypocrites will pray in times of trouble. They have the form of prayer, whoneither have any power with God inprayer, nor have ever felt the power of it upon their ownhearts, Heathens who knownot the true God, havebeen knowne to pray, and will pray in trouble ; then much more will hypocrites, who both know and profeffe his name, Ir is nut:- rall to pray in trouble, and therefore no marvaile if they who have no grace fall on their knees,and cry out for mercy, when mi- fery falls upon them. God is neer in the mouths ofmany ( as the Prophet expreffeth them, fer. r z. -.z.) yet farce from their reines. Theygreatly delire helpe fromhim, though they doe not at all defre him. Theprophet (1fa. r 6. i z. ) faith of Idolatrous Moab, It (hall come to pate,that when it is feen,that Moab inroeary on the kithplace, that be (hall come to hisfanaosary to pray; that is, when he bath laboured invaine, by offering Sacrifices in the high place toother Idols for prote&ion,then he nullapply himfelfe byprayer toChemofh his cheif Idol God,in that prophane San&uary built & dedicated to that dunghill deity,as hislaft refuge;yet (hí11 in vaine. Andwe read that when the forme wasup, tholeMarriners being afraid, Cryed everyman unto his God,( Jon: I. y. ) Thefe Marri- ners were Heathens and lived without (ßòd in the world,yet eve- ry one of them had his God. it is naturals to own a God, but to own the one God is a workof Grace. And natural men who feldorn call upon.