Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

jg Chap. 27. 1!n Expojition upon the Book, of Jos. Vert. 9. as moll hypocrites doe. All perfons unregenerate are finnersin the fence of that Scripture, and fo God may be laid, not toheare any of them, but hypocrites are the wort+ of finners, for theynot only have fin in them,and are in fin, but live in fin, and love their fin, while they pretend love untoGod. Whiletheypray,they re- gard iniquity in their heart ; and of fuch David faith, God will not hear their prayer;yea he puts the cafe,noc in a fecond or third, but in his own perfon, (Pf4. 66. r8.) If I regard iniquity in my beart,tbeLord willnot hears me. It ispoffible for agodly man, a David, under temptation, tofhew fo much countenance to this or that iniquity, asmay juftly be interpreted a regarding of it in his heart ; and when he doth fo, even hemay have his prayer re- turn'd with a prefent flight inflead of agrant ; yet I conceive that fuppofition is rather put to thew the certaintyof the thing, that God will not heare the prayer offuch as regard iniquity in their hearts , than to (hew that Davidor anygodly man may regard iniquity in his heart. As when he faith( Plat. 46. z.) We will not fears, thoughttheearth `e removed ; It dothnot fuppoft, the remo- ving of the earth, but is a ftrong proofe, they (hould not feare ; $owhen David faith, If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hears me. The fuppofition Both only give a ftronger proofe, that God will not hear their prayers, whoregard ini- quity in their hearts. And ro doe fo is the very fpirit of hypo- crifie. The hypocrite ever regards iniquity in his hearr,what pro- feflions foever he may make, or how bitterly foever he may fpcake againft it withhis mouth ; though he complaint spina fin, yet he complyeth with it ; though he difclaime it in words, yet his foule cleaveth to and clofeth with it, therefore God will not heare his prayer. The Lord bath not promifcd tobe nighun- to them in the things they call uponhim for, whole hearts are farrc from him,and falle tohim in the things which he commands and requireth of them. The promife runs in this tenour ;The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him, to all that call upen himin truth, (Pfal. 14ç.18. ) And that a twofold truth ; Fir++, according to the truth-ofhis rule ; Secondly, in the truth of their own hearts. The latter part of the verfe is acorreetion of, or gives dire&ion about the former ; As if thePfalmifl had Paid, when I fay, tñe Lord is nigh to all that call uponhim, my meaning is, he isnigh, not to all that call upon him any how, or in any manner, but to all