Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

r I2 Chap.27. An Expofitian open the Book of J o D. Verf.t -- ®. Thirdly, Wehave work to do continually ; if we know duty, we can never be out of work ; and what-ever we do weare to pray for help in ir, and a blefling upon ir. We rife early in vain, and labour in vain,, unleffe the Lord be with us in all our labours. Fourthly, We are continually ufing the creature, we tile foodand rayment for the fupply and fupport ofour earthly Ta- bernacle ; thereforewe muff pray continually. What good can the creaturedo uswithout God? our bread cannot nouri[h us, nor our deathskeepus warme, but by a command from him. As every creaerre ofGod is good (in it fell) fo it is fanttified(unto us) by the word of God and prayer ( r Tim. 4. 4, S'.) Fifthly, We are often in troubles and afflielions. Now the rule is, Is any one afflitled, let binpray ( James s. 13, ) and if we muff pray as oftenas weare affliEted, we Ihall have c;tufe to be very often praying. Sixthly, When we are at cafe andgvier, in health and peace, when, the rock powrs us out rivers of oyl, and we math our footfteps(asonce Yoh did)with butter,even then we have neet! to pray that our prosperity hurt us nor, that we lofe not God in the crowd of creature-comforts, that we kick not again!+ him (asJe. frerun once did) while he makes us fat and flourrlhing. Seventhly, We fin continually, we fin (as Imay fay) with- out ceafing, often doing that which is linful, and fin altvayes mingling it felfe with that we do ; and therefore we had need to pray continually, to mingle prayer with all we dc, both for the pardonof fin, or of what we do finfully, as alto for power and grace that we may do fo no more. Eighthly, We ought continually to glorifie God, therefore to pray continually ; for though God may have glory by any of our a&ions or duties, yet the duty of payer is that which gives him the greateff glory, while we therein acknowledg his All fuffi- ciency to dowhat we ask, and his goodneffe in being alwayes ready to do it. Yet this poynt is Dot fo to be underflood, as if we fhould doe nothing elfe but pray, as Tome have ignorantly and erroneoufly inferr'd from this, or fuch like Scriptures ; for every man hath or ought to have a calling in this world, wherein as the Apo(fle fpeaks (r Car. 7. 2g.) He may abide withGod ; That is, both with