Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Cbap.27. An Expofitiön upon the Book, of J o B. Verf.IO. Lathy , Comparing the two parts of the text ( Will bedelight himfelf in the Almighty, will be alwayes call upon God?I fay,com.2 paring three) together, we may for conclufion of this verfe, Obferve ; They that delight in God (and they only) will alwayes call upon God, or perfevere to the end in prayer. The reafon is, becaufe God is the fame alwayes without any variablenetieor fhadow of turning. A fincere beleever fees he bath as much need ofGod, when he hath fupplyed all his prefent needs, as he had before. And he knows God isas good, as gra cious, as de(ireable as ever he was, though he delay or denythe grant of that which he bath defired ; fo that wbatfocver God dif- penceth or giveth out to him, whether good or avid, bitter or fweet, darkorlight, Bride or forrow, he (till keeps clole to God,andwill alwayes be making his addreffesand applications at the throne of Grace. God is tweeter to him than all the mer- ciesand bleflings, than all the gracesand comforts which hé hath- given him ; and God is exceeding fweet tohim, though he Both not prefently give him the mercies, and the bletíìngs,the exercife of chofe graces, and the feeling ofchofe comforts which he bath prayed for. To chofe all, We have three things remarkable in chofe two verfesconcerning the hypocrite. Fir (t, The Hypocrite delights not in Ged ; There's his fin. Secondly,God hears not the cry ofthe hy- pocrite ; That's his mifery. Thirdly, Thehypocrite wiß not alwayes call upon God; That'sboth hisfin, and his mifery, It is agreat fin not to call uponGod, and none are more miferable than they who doe not call upon him ; for their mifery is irremovable. From all, fobs inferrer, that hewas no hypocrite ; for thoughGod didnot prefently heare him fo as to deliver him,ycc he delighted in the Almighty, and would continuepraying tohim, and tattling uponhim, though he fhould flay him. JOB;