z r 6 -Chap. 27. An Expofation open the Book of Jos. Vert z If; JOB, Chap. 27 . Verf. I I, 12, 13. Iwill teachyouby thehandofGod:that which is with the Almighty, will not Conceale. Beholcl,all yeyour felves have feen it,why then areye thus altogether vaine ? This is theportionofawickedmanwith God, andthe heritageofopprefförs,which they'ball receive ofthe Almighty. He two former verfes of thisContext are a preface, wherein jobperfwadeth his friends to hearken to what he fhould fur- ther propofe, both in this Chapter and in thenext t and it refer- red) cheifly to two things, which are the matter of his difcourfe in both. Firf}, That though he had all along denyed himfelfe tobe a wicked man becaufe atlli&ed, yet he didnot at all deny that God doth verymuch affii&wicked men, and often breaker them with temporall judgments. Secondly, That though Gods proceedings with wicked men are in many things plaineand vitble, yet take them altogether, and they are above the reach of any humane underfianding ; this he cheifely infifis upon in the 28th Chapter. Verfe r t . Iwillteachyouby the band of God, Mt' jocit,pro- The word which we render to teach, bath a three-fold fignifi- jecit, lacnlatur cation inScripture. fuit, per meta- Firfl Properly íianifies to call or throw a thina cut ofthe phoram rigavit p y it b ) b etiam,et indica- hand, to throw a dart or a hoe, and to calf a lot. vit,dacuir,quod Secondly , Ir fignifies to raine ; and the reafoá of his, becaufe do£lrina quaff rain is cafe out of the clouds, and (as it were) fhot down from Bnflitterurl ani heaven upon the Earth,to moiffenand make it fruitful'. inutat tium Thirdly, By ametaphor , and in allufion to both the former; et minutatim indatur. theword fignifies ( as we tranflate it here ) to teach : Right teach- ing, is a cafling er darting of leffons and whoicTome truths into the mand. It is alto a raining, aeh/idling, a droping of infirailions into the underftauding, fromwhence theyfoake into the willand af- fcîlions ;