Chap,27, .4n Expo[tton upon the Book of J o B. Verf.z t. keepe the City, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is muchmore fo in fpirituall work and watchings,: fouls are neither brought to, nor built up in their holy faith, nor effeetwally perfwaded co Domino, ea walke in holy wayes, but as the Lord-perfwades them. It was a quoddicamter- ;good prayer of ,Tulinwhen he was about tofpeak to the people vistuis confer- in the name of the Lord, Givemc,QLord, what 1!hallfpeakeun- vie mein. to thy fervants myfddow-ervants. Before we adventure to teach, we fhouldpray for the-hand of God no power can take upon the dedoéìr.Glri- fpirit of man, but the power of the Spirit of God : it is nor the h cap. sg. power ofRhetorique, or Eloquence ; it is not the power of hu- mane reafon andauthority;-none of there powers will doe it with- out the power of the Spirit. Except when the word goes out from MO) A divine verrue-goe out fromGod, it works not ; 'eis but an empty found. The weapons of our warfare, are not carnal, (that is, weake )but mighty through god (2Cor;Io. q..) but through man they have nomight. The Spirit of God is the hand ofGod with us to doegood ;and therefore, that which is faid in oneplace (Luke I1.2o. ) tobe done 6ÿ the finger or hand of God,is faid in another place ( 12.28. ) to be done by the Spirit of God, namely, The rafting out of Devil's. Andwhen-ever by the Miniffry of the word any Devils, or lures, which are the feed of the devilin us,are cant our, or naygrace and holy principles plan- ted inus, we mull fay, the hand, the finger of Godbath done it. 1will teach you by the band of God. Further, The hand of God fiignifies, not only that genera 1 !)?anus doe aff'itlance and flrength given in by God in the Minifleryof his gxondoq; pro= Prophets, but it lign ifies the Spirit of Prophetic it felt, or an im- phetiam notat, mediare excraordina;y infpiration, whereby the holy Prophets quæ vens cum without fludy o' o:etn<.dìration were enabled to deliver the mind r®boraetpaten of God unto rL pew,"I And fuch kind of Prophefying may well be called, The band of God, becaufe it came with an trrefitcible dei, Druf. power upon.the,n, as th . Prophet thews (,er. zo. 9.) Then 1 laid; will not rrak Mention ofhim, nor fpeake anymore in bis name. Bat his word was ïaviine'heart, as abunging fire flout up in my, bones, And Iva, weary withforbearing and I could" notflay. Thus fotne expound this phafe in job (1wilt teach you by the hand of God .) that is,I Weill teach you byProphetic ; but we need not rake it fo firiUly; For as the hand of God is often put for Prophetic R in I2t