Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

t z6 Chap.27. .4n Expofition upon the Took of J o B. Vert i 2: reveals them fully. They who faile in revealing the things of God, are of three forts ; fir11, Come through ignorance cannot; fecondly, there are others who through Idleness doe not make known the things of God. A third fort through Craft and fub- tilty will not make known all that they know of God, but keep backpart of it, and corrupt that which they make known, they purpofely and indufirioufly obfcure, yea and deprave the truths of God. We find the'Apofile indulirioufly acquitting himfelfe of this wicked pra&ice. (2Cor.e. 57. ) For we are not as many wbò corrupt the wordof God,but as offtncerity, but as of God,inthefight ofGod fpeal4e we in Christ, Some deale with the word ofClod as unworthy Merchants doe with wines and precious oyntmencs, which they embate in their nature, that theymay advance in the price, and fo increafe their own;,profit. This have not I done faith Paul, I have given out the word in fincericy, not in fubtilty as I have not concealed the word of God, fo neither have I em- bafed it by any falfe glof'eof mine. Take heed of all thefe con- cealements. It is bad enough that any through Ignorance cannot; worfe,that any through idlenefs doe not ;wort, that any through Craft will not revcale, but obfcure and darken the truth ofGod; let us neither concealewhat is of Cod, nor fpoyle it in the revea- ling. TheLeapers coming into the Affyrian Camp found agreat flore of good things,even-enough to releive the City, but having tarryed fomewhat long there, they were troubled, and faid, ( zKings 7.8, g. ) we doe not doe well ; this day is a day ofgood tidings andwe bold our peace ;if we tarry till the morning (eme mifcbiefewill come upon us, now therefore come that we maygee and tell it to the Kings boufhold. They that have good tidings, that are acquainted with the flore, bounty, and fulneXe ofJefus Chrifl, as they doe well to takehold for themfelves, fo they doe not well,if they withhold from others.Cjoodneffe is coma un;cative, andfo are they that are good. That which is with the AlmigbtyI will not conceale. Verfe 12. Behold all ye your felves havefeen, why then areye thus altogether vaine ? Behold t He had laid before, he would fliew them what was with God : now he faith, ye haveall feen. Some expound these words as a Correctionof what he fpake before,