Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

3 e3 Chap.27. "in E10 iron upon the Book of Jos. Vetf.ix. yledgé. All they will be judged in the fail day as having been al- together vain again(+ what they have Peen, who have been vain either in opinion or pra&ice about thefe things which they have had light to fee, but have negleaed Obferve, Fourthly ; They are vain, who either depend upon that which it not, or op- pole that which is The Scripture fpeaks often of vanity, and of being vain in both thefe refpc&s. It is faid of the Ifraelaes who were carried into captivity in the reign of Hojisea, (z Kings t y.! j.) That they followed vanity, and became vain; that is, they crated to that whichwas not, which had no being, no fubfiffcnce : they gave a Deity to that which had nor fo much as ae Entity. (fhr. 2, g. ) Thus faith the Lord, what iniquitybave your fathers fosond in me, that they have gonefaire fromme, andwalked aftervanity, andare become vain ? that is, they have trufled upon Idols, or dung-hit gods, which are not. What iniquityhave your fathers found in me ? have I ever deceived you or wronged you, that ye fhould gofarre from me after vanity, from me, that am the onlybe- ing, the fountain of beings, and follow after vanity, that is, after things, which have no being. This isvanity and madnelfe. From all finful dependencies, or dependencies upon fin, we are called off ( ) Trufl not Inopprefon, and become not vain inrobbery. What-, would he have them ferious in robbe- ry ? no, the meaning is this, do not trufl in a thing of nought; if you rob, oppreffe, deceive, or wrong others, you trufl toa vain thing, in a thing that is not, in a thing that will never do you good ; thefe will be no tack, no hold in any thinggot in fuch a trs"anner. When you think to get riches by wrong-dealing, or clofely circumventing others, you become vain in robbery. Now u the Scripture fheweth the vanity of nun in fetting up a crea- ture in the roome of God, or an Idol in the place of Jehovah, that is, in trufling and laying hold upon that which bath no hold in ir, or which is not ; foit (hews their vanity, who oppofe that which is,that whichhuh truth and fubflantiality in ir. Thus Da- vid (Pfal.4.2.) Rebukes that generation for becoming vain; Oye fans of men, bow long willye turn my glory into (hams? bow long'will ye love vanity . What WAS this vanity ? I conceive it was